Saturday, April 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 09th till Fri. Apr. 16th - 2021!

            For the third week of April 2021 - we will comment on the short (3 minutes long) YouTube video uploaded on Apr. 02 - 2021 by Blaze TV - YouTube website which is headed by a famous conservative radio talk show host - Glenn Beck. It quickly generated close to 200 thousand viewers' - views. The clip is titled: "Psaki Snaps and Gets Nasty with Reporter for Asking Legitimate Question." Jan Psaki - Pres. Biden's Press secretary sports red hair and an annoying habit of not answering the reporters' questions or "distorting the truth" in a big way. 

       The YouTube viewers who comment on her frequent appearances - are not overly kind. One of them called Psaki "Little Red Lying Hood" and we quote one of mildest comments. Anyway - in the video we are highlighting - Jan Psaki - is rude and nasty towards two young reporters who ask her about a calamity currently taking place on the Mexican border regarding the illegal minors entering the U.S. The U.S. government recently appropriated 86 million dollars to house them in the hotels - close to the border. The homeless U.S. citizens - especially the poor U.S. army veterans could use this kind of help.

       Thousands of unaccompanied illegal children are entering the U.S. due to Biden's - decree - as soon as he took the office. While the border patrol people are busy with that huge group - whose parents paid thousands of dollars to criminal guides/human traffickers - "the coyotes" - tons of illegal drugs are entering the U.S. border towns. Criminal elements also slip through while the border patrols are piled under - busy with the illegal children.

       At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week. We had some unseasonal, cold weather at the beginning of the month. Hope that everybody will have a Happy Easter 2021 and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel - same place!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

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