Saturday, July 31, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 06th through Fri. Aug. 13th - 2021!

          For this "lucky" second week of Aug. 2021 which will end on the "lucky" Fri. Aug. 13 - 2021 - we will comment on the funny - even if not most sophisticated in the world - satirical video uploaded onto YouTube platform by the website - Salty Cracker - on Sat. Jul. 31 - 2021. That YouTube site has close to three quarter million followers on YouTube and also has several hundred thousand viewers.

       The clip is ab. 6 and a half minutes long and quickly generates over ninety thousand viewers' - clicks. The title is self explanatory and tells about the whole gist of this video - delivered in a funny manner by the host (thirty or so year old guy - ruggedly handsome - we think). Nobody who approves of Pres. Biden would like this title - let alone this video presentation called: "Dementia Joe Caught Eating Random Crap Hanging off His Chin".

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good second week of August 2021 and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time!

     Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week for the last week of Jul. 2021!

            For this important last week of Jul. 2021 (lots of important U.S. news as well as the international news - happened) - we shall comment upon a 5 minute long video posted onto YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro's website on Sat. Jul. 24 - 2021. The video immediately generated close to thirty thousand of viewers' clicks since its title says it all - "Ben Shapiro Responds to the NPR Hit Piece". 

         Ben Shapiro's new book titled - "Authoritarianism Threatens Our Future - How the Left Weaponized America's Institutions Against the Dissent," -  says it all - in a nutshell. NPR News organization - claims to be impartial -  however - even though it's partially supported by ours - the taxpayers' - funds - it strongly veers towards the political Left/Socialist/New Democrats' - agenda - the party currently headed by Pres. Joe Biden and V.P. - Kamala Harris (a well known California Leftist/Socialist - according to California press).

       In any event - everybody will have a very good last week of Jul. 2021 - and we shall meet here - again - as always - same day - same time - same channel.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 23 - 2021 through Fri. Jul. 30 - 2021!

          For the last week of July 2021 - we will comment on the five minute long video uploaded onto YouTube platform by by Fox News on Jul. 16 - 2021 - titled "McEnany 'My Mouth Dropped Open' when Psaki Said This" - the video clip which has some other Fox TV hosts expressing their outrage at the notion that federal government will dictate to big tech like Facebook - what to put on their platform.

       Facebook reacted with fake anger since they do support the current ultra Liberals/New Dems' - policies of the current party in power (albeit not for too long time to come since all the pollsters predict big defeats for the Democrats in the coming major and minor - elections).

       The Conservative leaders in the U.S. Senate expressed their indignation (righteous) about the Big Government attempting to exercise censorship - against free speech - for the sake of the safety.

      In any event - everybody will have a good week - while Summer 2021 zooms by quickly. We shall meet a week from today - same channel - same place!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 16 - 2021 till Fri. Jul. 23rd - 2021!

          For the third week of July - 2021 - we will comment upon the YouTube video posted by Ben Shapiro website on Jul. 08 - 2021 - onto YouTube platform - titled "Shapiro React to Gay Men's Choir' - 'We Are Coming for Your Children' Viral Video". It's a 6 minute clip which caused quickly ab. ten thousand viewers comments of every kind - but basically agreeing with Ben Shapiro who has two young sons.

       Ben Shapiro "stirs" up a lot of commotion with his weekly YouTube videos. He became a legend commentator on many platforms with YouTube being one of his major ones. 

       In any event - let's give it some thought - and everybody will have a super good new week of the Summer 2021 - going very fast! We shall meet here again - as always - a week from today - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 09th till Fri. Jul. 16th - 2021!

              For this - mostly hot -  but nice - week of July 4th - we will comment on the video posted onto YouTube platform by Fox News website which has several million subscribers - on Jul. 03 - 2021 which is ab. 8 minutes long - but it zooms by - titled appropriately: "Leo Terrell Blasts Lori Lightfoot's Leadership as 'Shameful'". The Fox co-anchors Tammy Bruce and Emily Tokagna together with a famous civil right attorney - Leo Terrell - blast the leadership of the Chicago mayor - Lori Lightfoot. She has been elected two years ago and even Chicago Tribune newspaper is extremely critical of her leadership or lack thereof - in terms of drastic increase in homicide.

         Chicago's - notoriously high - crime rate is up 50% since the mayor have been following the Democratic "guidelines" on mismanaging the big cities - big time - run - mostly by the Progressive/Democrats. She claims that her numerous critics are "racists and homophobes" since she is openly - Lesbian. Leo Terrell is a black lawyer of sterling reputation - so her excuses are nonsense.

        Anyway - everybody will have a super good 4th of July and the whole week; we shall meet a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

           Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025