Saturday, July 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 09th till Fri. Jul. 16th - 2021!

              For this - mostly hot -  but nice - week of July 4th - we will comment on the video posted onto YouTube platform by Fox News website which has several million subscribers - on Jul. 03 - 2021 which is ab. 8 minutes long - but it zooms by - titled appropriately: "Leo Terrell Blasts Lori Lightfoot's Leadership as 'Shameful'". The Fox co-anchors Tammy Bruce and Emily Tokagna together with a famous civil right attorney - Leo Terrell - blast the leadership of the Chicago mayor - Lori Lightfoot. She has been elected two years ago and even Chicago Tribune newspaper is extremely critical of her leadership or lack thereof - in terms of drastic increase in homicide.

         Chicago's - notoriously high - crime rate is up 50% since the mayor have been following the Democratic "guidelines" on mismanaging the big cities - big time - run - mostly by the Progressive/Democrats. She claims that her numerous critics are "racists and homophobes" since she is openly - Lesbian. Leo Terrell is a black lawyer of sterling reputation - so her excuses are nonsense.

        Anyway - everybody will have a super good 4th of July and the whole week; we shall meet a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

           Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

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