Saturday, July 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 09th till Fri. Jul. 16th - 2021!

              For this - mostly hot -  but nice - week of July 4th - we will comment on the video posted onto YouTube platform by Fox News website which has several million subscribers - on Jul. 03 - 2021 which is ab. 8 minutes long - but it zooms by - titled appropriately: "Leo Terrell Blasts Lori Lightfoot's Leadership as 'Shameful'". The Fox co-anchors Tammy Bruce and Emily Tokagna together with a famous civil right attorney - Leo Terrell - blast the leadership of the Chicago mayor - Lori Lightfoot. She has been elected two years ago and even Chicago Tribune newspaper is extremely critical of her leadership or lack thereof in terms of drastic increase in homicide.

         Chicago's - notoriously high - crime rate is up 50% since the mayor have been following the Democratic "guidelines" on mismanaging the big cities - big time - run - mostly by the Progressive/Democrats. She claims that her numerous critics are "racists and homophobes" since she is openly - Lesbian. Leo Terrell is a black lawyer of sterling reputation - so her excuses are nonsense.

        Anyway - everybody will have a super good 4th of July and the whole week; we shall meet a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

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