Saturday, June 26, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 02 till Fri. Jul. 9th - 2021

           For this still - not too hot - first week of Jul. 2021 - we will comment on another video posted onto YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro website (it has close to 3 million subscribers) on Jul. 25th which is 9 minutes long (goes fast) - titled "Addled Biden Creeps Out America while Kamala (Literally) Waits in the Wings." As we mentioned before - Ben Shapiro delivers his punch commentary with an easy - mastery. His good looks don't distract from his message.

        The video quickly generated close to two hundred thousand viewers' clicks with the viewers' comments - mostly - blistering towards the current Presidential administration. You will - most likely - enjoy Ben Shapiro's latest production and will keep checking his YouTube website.

       Otherwise - have a good 4th of July coming up soon - everybody - and we shall meet here - as every week - same time, same place - same channel!

       Copyright L. Hadley and Associates 2021

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