Saturday, June 12, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 18th till Fri. Jun. 25th - 2021

             For this lovely third week of Jun. 2021 - we will comment on the video posted on YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro's website on Jun. 08 - 2021 titled "Watch - Kamala Harris Melts Down after Being Confronted over Border Crisis". It's five minutes long and it quickly garnered close to 700 thousand viewers' - clicks. Ben Shapiro - a brilliant, young and good looking political commentator frequently catches the Leftists' - ire - since they hate the facts and numbers presented to them in such a way so they can't "spin" them to further their Marxist ideology which killed millions of people in every country it was tried after they win a single free elections which is the first one and the last one for those countries.

       Back to the video which comments on Kamala Harris - the U.S. current Vice-president who recently visited several Northern triangle - South American countries - El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras - the main places which send the U.S. the avalanches of illegals with the situation becoming critical since Pres. Biden took office in Jan. 2021. Ms. Harris went to those countries - very recently - to - ostensibly - solve the "root causes" of the invasion of the illegals - (read - to offer millions of dollars to the corrupt governments - again - with the funds paid for by the hard working U.S. taxpayers - the millions - being "skimmed off" by the corrupt regimes - anyway).

        Long story - short - due to the border patrols overburdened with that increase of the illegals - many criminal drug cartels - "slip" into the U.S. - their illegal drugs and gang members. It needs to be noted that some U.S. Congress's lawmakers - the Progressives/Socialists/Leftists - currently in Congress but hopefully - voted out - very soon - from the U.S. Congress - strongly support the avalanches of the illegals - invading the U.S. borders. The Democrats need some new voters since the mood in the country indicates that they will be voted out of power - come the next elections cycle.

        In any event - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - next time - as always - a week from today - same time, same place, same channel.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

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