Sunday, September 12, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 17th through Fri. Sept. 24 - 2021!

          This week - mostly nice in hilly Pittsburgh - we will comment upon a short video clip by a new YouTube website - gaining tons of "viewers' clicks" - even as we write this commentary. The aforementioned website is called "Biden Gaffes" and it quickly generated over a million of viewers' "clicks" since it was posted on Sept. 05 - 2021 - during the Labor Day weekend. The video is only less than a minute long and its titled is totally self-explanatory: "Biden Nearly Passes Out at the Podium".

      The viewers' comments are mostly critical of Pres. Biden - and that's being extremely generous to him. Speaking of huge generosity - according to many political commentators - Main Stream Media - usually calls various President Biden's incidences showing his advanced dementia - "gaffes". They would never be that magnanimous to any other president - especially towards the ex-president Trump.

        Anyway - everybody will have a very good new week and we shall meet here - as every week - next week - same place - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

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