Saturday, December 18, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 24th - 2021 till Fri. Dec. 31st - 2021!

          The year 2021 went fast - like every year - punctuated by various memorable events which we will not be highlighting since all the news outlets known to mankind and their brothers - are doing just that. Instead - we shall comment upon a news feature presented by the Fox News TV channel on Dec. 17 - 2021 - which was a short interview with the African news correspondent (not named in the aforementioned news clip) - that was conducted by Tucker Carlson - Fox News' TV channel's - enormously popular - Conservative commentator.

     Tucker Carlson - a conservative fire brand - a big star of Fox TV - draws "white ire" from the U.S. and International Progressives/New Democrats/Leftists/Socialists - as he comments upon the inconvenient true facts which they want to "cancel" - including anybody who dares to speak the truth about their failed Marxist/Socialist - oriented - politics. 

     According to the African correspondent we are highlighting - ever since he granted an original interview to Tucker Carlson - a short time ago - Jen Psaki - pres. Biden's press secretary - stopped calling on him during her daily press conferences.

     It's obvious that pres. Biden's administration considers all the African news people - needing to be blindly supportive of their New Democrat/Progressive/Leftist - political agenda and if they dare to speak the truth - they are punished by pres. Biden's administration. The freedom of speech - evidently - only needs to apply to Progressive/Leftists/Socialists/New Democrats.

     At any rate - everybody will have a terrific Christmas/Holiday Season 2020/2021 with the Happy New Year 2022 - not far behind! 

    Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2021

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