Saturday, March 5, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 11th - 2022 till Fri. March 18th - 2022!

               For this - still cold but promised to get warmer - week of March 2022 - we will continue commenting on "Washington Week in Review" - every Friday night's - analysis of the major political events which happen in Washington, D.C. during the week. We are commenting upon a broadcast featured on Fri. March 04 - 2022. As we mentioned before - NPR "anointed" Yamiche Alcindor - a heavy set, Black Leftist to be a moderator for this program.

        Alcindor - usually - hosts several Washington, D.C.'s familiar to TV viewers' - journalists who appear on the air - to present their news features. This week - Weija Jiang - Alcindor's guest - a normally perky, and self-righteous, Chinese appearing CBS - White House correspondent - looked dull as if slightly "hit over the head". That phenomenon is a bit unusual - since the Washington D.C. journalists - normally - carry themselves with a cocky, self-righteous bravado. 

        We are not getting personal or anything like that - but it's a tough environment in Washington, D.C. (some commentators call it a "muddy swamp"); the news people there - are competing with each other fiercely - even if they are frequently "carrying water" for the U.S. Leftist/Socialist - political agenda. 

       When the previous president - Mr. Trump was in the White House - Weija was frequently shooting questions at him like a "machine gun" while a lot of her questions had a Leftist bias "baked" into them. She would not be doing that - for sure - to Xi Jinping - all powerful Chinese Communist "honcho" whose government imprisons and kills their political opponents - Left and Right and Up and Down and Sideways - as they say.

       Anyway - everybody will have a good new week of March 2022 and we shall meet again - next week - same time - same day!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

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