Saturday, April 30, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week from Fri. May 06 - 2022 till Fri. May 13 - 2022!

              For this Lucky Friday the 13th week of May 2022 - we shall comment on the "Washington Week in Review" broadcasted on Fri. Apr. 29th - 2022 at 8pm as every Friday. Yamiche Alcindor - the Leftist moderator - had several guests - the Washington, D.C. journalists/pundits - who mostly commented onto the current war against Ukraine - waged by the Russian dictator - Vladimir Putin. The viewing audience - essentially - didn't learn anything new which was not already repeated by the news sources - all through the week.

        However - Margaret Hoover - the ex-U.S. president's Herbert Hoover's great-granddaughter - had an interesting guest on Fri. Apr. 29th - 2022 - at 8:30pm in a short interview show she hosts every Friday which follows - "Washington Week in Review". Margaret Hoover's show is titled "Firing Line"; she "inherited" that show from William Buckley, Jr. - a famous, now deceased - conservative thinker.

       Sometimes - Margaret Hoover interviews some interesting guests - but frequently - they are boring Leftists - "spewing" their warped Leftist/Socialist political agenda. Last Friday - though - on Apr. 29 - 2022 - she had an interesting guest - a famous Brit - Tina Brown - an ex-editor of Vanity Fair magazine, New Yorker magazine and a few other print magazines - which subsequently - folded and disappeared.  Tina Brown who just "dropped" a scandal book about the British Royal family - titled "The Palace Papers" - gave Margaret Hoover - an interesting interview - which will be aired throughout the weekend - to sell Brown's new book - no doubt.    

      In any event - everybody will have a good new week and we meet here - the same place - the same time - as every week! 

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 29 - 2022 till Fri. May 06 - 2022!

           For this - still on the cool side - last week of April 2022 - we shall comment on a couple of news shows which highlight the events in Washington, D.C. While this week's daily show called "Capitol Report" was not overly interesting (aired on Fri. Apr. 22 - 2022 on NTD {National News Desk} channel) - with the host Steve Lance having to come up with interesting stories every day of the week. The only feature which caught our attention was about the labor unions in the U.S. It's currently 6% of the labor force which is a marked decline from 20% of the unions participating in the American labor movement - during the 1980's. The commentators invited by Steve Lance suggested that the labor unions are frequently advocating for the repressive Big Brother Government and Socialism - not far behind.

     The weekly news show "Washington Week in Review" airs once per week and it's slanted towards the Leftist political elements which - presently - permeated the Democratic party with their Leftist political agendas whereas Steven Lance's "Capitol Report" is more impartial without excessive leaning towards the U.S. Republican political party's - values.

      We have been mentioning before - Yamiche Alcindor - a heavy set - Leftist political commentator (the current moderator of "Washington Week in Review") who was ready to start with NBC network last year - in spite of her - recent - on air declarations of "admiration" for NPR who produces "Washington Week in Review". Evidently her forthcoming deal with NBC fell through. The NBC top brass might have looked at her TV news presentation - last year - as she appeared on camera - several times - without any make up. The TV camera is merciless as it picks up all the worst possible versions of the person who pushes their appearance in front of it. Anyway - right now - she is all "Lovey Dovey" with NPR. She - certainly - knows well which side of her "bread slice is buttered".

         In any event - everybody will have a good first week of May 2022 - and we meet here - as always - a week from today! All of you know all the steps!

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 22 - 2022 through Fri. Apr. 29 - 2022!

              For this cool but a bit rainy - week of Easter 2022 and Passover 2022 - we will comment on Sam Malone - a popular Houston, TX - radio talk host who has been doing his daily show for many years from Salem Radio Network which is the home of famous radio talk celebrity - Sebastian Gorka - who became syndicated very soon after he started with Salem - in 2018. In his case - it's understandable since he was a national celebrity before he signed up with Salem. They have a few other hosts - who have been nationally syndicated - thus well known throughout the U.S. and abroad.

         Sam Malone is not one of them - yet - however - he deserves to be. He often substitutes for Mike Gallagher who has been in the national radio syndication "heaven" with Salem Network - for quite a few years - deservedly so - no doubt. Mike Gallagher is sharp and "on point" every day of the week. It's not easy to "fend off" many smart/streetwise but hostile callers - while using rational and quick responses. It takes many years to be an effective advocate for large groups.

        Coming back to Sam Malone - he often says that the U.S. is great because of its Judeo-Christian "fabric". He can be funny or not - but he is always an effective presence on the radio. He rarely disappoints which is hard when one has to talk to the audience three hours a day - five days per week.

        In any event - everybody will have a super good Passover 2022 or Easter 2022 - whichever - applies and we shall meet here - a week from today! You all know the routine!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022




Saturday, April 9, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 15 - 2022 through Fri. Apr. 22 - 2022!

               For the coming very soon - Passover 2022 and Easter 2022 - we will comment on the "Washington Week in Review" presented on Fri. Apr. 08 - 2022 by NPR. The Washington D.C. journalists (Leftist political activists) - currently have a new mantra. All the failures of Joe Biden's Presidential administrations - are now blamed on Russian pres. Putin's war against Ukraine. The Mainstream Media is happily "tooting that horn" since it goes with their Leftist narrative of not blaming the Democrat - President Biden and his administration for their various obvious political blunders; the high inflation - biting most American people plus Biden's immigration policies making the illegal aliens flood the southern border which causes the human trafficking and the influx of illegal drugs which kill millions of Americans - are just a few examples of Pres. Biden's inept handling of the U.S. policies.  

         During the "Washington Week in Review" on Fri. Apr. 08 - 2022 - Nia-Malika Henderson - a new political analyst from CNN (A Leftist news outlet) - only repeated the tired talking points about Russian Pres. Putin's war against Ukraine causing problems for the U.S. and the rest of the West. She didn't come up with anything new or of interest to the viewers who heard the aforementioned comments - many times before she made her first appearance on "Washington Week in Review".

       At any rate - everybody will have a super good Easter 2022 and Passover 2022 - whichever applies, and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 08 - 2022 till Fri. Apr. 15th - 2022!

              For the coming soon - Passover 2022 and Easter 2022 - week - we will comment on the broadcast titled "Capitol Report" - by the NTD (The National Desk) - network - which they do Mon. through Fri. - 8pm - EST (Pittsburgh, Pa. market). It's a refreshing glance at the political news happening in Washington, D.C. - through the lens of the Conservative observers. 

       We mentioned earlier that Washington Week in Review - produced weekly by PBS - is a Leftist propaganda piece. We - frequently - review that broadcast - as well - however - we have to state without any exaggeration - that "Capitol Report" beats "Washington in Review" at least - three heads.

        At any rate - the main moderator for Capitol Report - Steve Lance delivers his quality political commentary - without any biased coloration in his narrative while "Washington Week in Review" - frequently indulges in the Leftist propaganda. However - another major participant of Capitol Report - Melina Wisecup appears to be a rising star of political reporting from Washington, D.C. It also doesn't hurt her a bit that her figure is slim, her attire properly professional and her good looks don't interfere with her excellent - on-camera - delivery the political analysis of the weekly news from Washington, D.C. Not to be redundant or anything like that but Yamiche Alcindor - the head honcho of "Washington Week in Review" - could take some useful lessons from Melina Wisecup.

       In any event - everybody will have a fabulous Passover 2022 or Easter 2022 - while we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week! Same time - same day!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022