Saturday, April 2, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 08 - 2022 till Fri. Apr. 15th - 2022!

              For the coming soon - Passover 2022 and Easter 2022 - week - we will comment on the broadcast titled "Capitol Report" - by the NTD (The National Desk) - network - which they do Mon. through Fri. - 8pm - EST (Pittsburgh, Pa. market). It's a refreshing glance at the political news happening in Washington, D.C. - through the lens of the Conservative observers. 

       We mentioned earlier that Washington Week in Review - produced weekly by PBS - is a Leftist propaganda piece. We - frequently - review that broadcast - as well - however - we have to state without any exaggeration - that "Capitol Report" beats "Washington in Review" at least - three heads.

        At any rate - the main moderator for Capitol Report - Steve Lance delivers his quality political commentary - without any biased coloration in his narrative while "Washington Week in Review" - frequently indulges in the Leftist propaganda. However - another major participant of Capitol Report - Melina Wisecup appears to be a rising star of political reporting from Washington, D.C. It also doesn't hurt her a bit that her figure is slim, her attire properly professional and her good looks don't interfere with her excellent - on-camera - delivery the political analysis of the weekly news from Washington, D.C. Not to be redundant or anything like that but Yamiche Alcindor - the head honcho of "Washington Week in Review" - could take some useful lessons from Melina Wisecup.

       In any event - everybody will have a fabulous Passover 2022 or Easter 2022 - while we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week! Same time - same day!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


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