Friday, May 27, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 03 - 2022 through Fri. Jun. 10 - 2022!

           For this - basically nice - weather wise - week of Jun. 2022 - we shall comment upon several radio hosts at the local news/talk radio station which is also well known outside of Pittsburgh. Basically - they have one radio host who is openly Leftist/Socialist and propagates for his political agenda. Needless to say - a lot of the listeners dislike his "proselytizing" for the Left - but - at least - he is "upfront" for where he stands.

     There are a few other radio hosts working for the same radio station who pretend to be impartial as they present their political positions - however - in most of their positions - their Leftist/Socialist inclinations - come to the surface - thus their claim of impartiality - makes little sense. The smart folk saying states that - "if it quacks like a duck - it's a duck."

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

Thursday, May 19, 2022

A Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 27 - 2022 till Fri. Jun. 03 - 2022!

            For the first week of June 2022 - we shall comment upon some Wokes/Socialists/Leftists - some local women politicians active here in Pittsburgh, Pa - area. We noticed that several of those women - subscribing to that - aforementioned - political persuasion seek the notoriety in the style of AOC - the big "star" of the Progressives/Socialists - a member of the Congressional Socialist "Squad" - comprising of some Leftist members of the U.S. 116th - Congress.

       AOC - Alexandria Ocassio-Cortes - from New York City's - 14th Congressional district/Bronx - which she represents - has a reputation of an openly Marxist "loudmouth"; she is severely criticized by many political observers on many social media platforms - we might add.

       Anyway - there are several AOC - "wannabees" - here in Pittsburgh who "spew" their Marxist ideologies on the local radio talk shows - according to many Internets' political analysts. They always - conveniently forget - to mention that Socialism/Marxism never works in any country which tried it - on the contrary - massive Marxism - invariably - leaves many million dead political opponents as it changes in many ways in many countries. 

       In any event - everybody will have a super good first week of Jun. 2022 and we shall meet here a week from today when we will present a special Commentary of the Week - from Chicago.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and the Associates 2022


Friday, May 13, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 20 - 2022 through Fri. May 27 - 2022!

         For this warm but not too hot - week of May 2022 - we will comment upon two news broadcasts - transmitted on Fri. May 13 - Lucky Fri. May 13 - 2022. "Washington Week in Review" is a weekly item appearing on Fridays on the NPR network while "Capitol Report" is viewed nightly on many conservative TV stations as - "TND" - "The National Desk".

      On the aforementioned date - Fri. 13 of May - 2022 - "Washington Week in Review" was moderated by Judy Woodruff - a long time - eternal - forever - anchor of PBS Network. She moderated "Washington Week" - in lieu of the regular moderator - a big built Leftist - Yamiche Alcindor who hates to miss her place in front of the cameras thus she must have a serious reason for missing her opportunity to appear in front of the cameras. 

      Judy Woodruff who dutifully informed the viewers that "she appears for Yamiche Alcindor" - hosted a Washington journalist - Manu Raju who always looks as if his face was not washed in spite of his considerable skills of political analysis. Susan Page - a well-known Leftist from "U.S.A. Today" newspaper - who is also a frequent guest on the "Washington Week" - was another guest on Fri. May 13 - 2022; she - consistently and steadily - takes many words to - essentially - say nothing. 

       "Capitol Report" moderated by multi-talented Steve Lance was much more interesting on Fri. May 13 - 2022. Steve interviewed a candidate for Attorney General for Arizona - Andrew Gold - an experienced ex-judge on Arizona supreme court who offered many practical solutions for solving a big problem of an "an avalanche" of illegals - lately - from all over the world - currently flooding the Southern borders of the U.S. and causing many problems of many kinds.

        At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!  

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022


Saturday, May 7, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 13 - 2022 through Fri. May 20 - 2022!

           For this - unusually cool and rainy - week of May 2022 - we will comment upon an interview with the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations - Linda Thomas-Greenfield which was conducted by Margaret Hoover during her weekly news show - "Firing Line" on Fri. May 06 - 2022. Essentially - Ms. Thomas-Greenfield admitted that - presently - the way the United Nations charter is written and approved by all the nations participating - the current charter has no significant "teeth" to enforce any effective deterrence if a nation like Russia with a veto power - commits documented atrocities against another nation - Ukraine.

      Things get further complicated with ICC - International Crime Commision to which many countries do not belong since that international organization can be biased and unfair to some countries - for political reasons. It needs to be noted that the state of Israel has been consistently - unfairly and steadily - singled out by ICC and by various other - United Nations' - Leftist slanted committees - for various alleged - infractions - which are massively - overlooked - when done by other countries.

      At any rate - Linda Thomas-Greenfield - a big boned Leftist - appointed by Pres. Biden - has been unfairly critical of Israel - in the recent past - however - lately - to her credit - she has not been picking on Israel since she has been busy being vocal about the war against Ukraine - perpetrated by a Russian dictator - Vladimir Putin. 

      Additional note to our commentaries: Jen Psaki - a current press secretary to Pres. Biden has taken another job for MSNBC - effective the first part of Jun. 2022. Her assistant - Karine` Jean-Pierre`- is finally - at the long last - taking the top job as a press secretary. She has been actively lobbying for the top position for a long time. In fact - one of her previous mentors was Symone Sanders - a massively built Leftist, an ex-top assistant to Vice Pres. Kamala Harris.

       Lo and behold - Sanders exited Kamala Harris's administration and - allegedly - works for NBC - as of several month ago. Not to say anything critical or anything like that - Symone Sanders strongly resembles another "abundantly" built Leftist - Yamiche Alcindor who - currently - moderates Leftist slanted - NPR weekly news show - "Washington Week in Review". 

       As far as Karine`Jean-Pierre` is concerned (she has a small, dumpy looking figure) - many political commentators are of the opinion that her name with those pretentious accent marks - almost always missed - should be Karen John-Peter. We will not even mention the fact about Karine`Jean-Pierre` appearing on camera several months ago - wearing a ridiculous looking, bright blue eyes shadow which looked awful next to her deeply tan - complexion.

       In any event - everybody will have a good new week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same place - same time!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024