Thursday, May 19, 2022

A Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 27 - 2022 till Fri. Jun. 03 - 2022!

            For the first week of June 2022 - we shall comment upon some Wokes/Socialists/Leftists - some local women politicians active here in Pittsburgh, Pa - area. We noticed that several of those women - subscribing to that - aforementioned - political persuasion seek the notoriety in the style of AOC - the big "star" of the Progressives/Socialists - a member of the Congressional Socialist "Squad" - comprising of some Leftist members of the U.S. 116th - Congress.

       AOC - Alexandria Ocassio-Cortes - from New York City's - 14th Congressional district/Bronx - which she represents - has a reputation of an openly Marxist "loudmouth"; she is severely criticized by many political observers on many social media platforms - we might add.

       Anyway - there are several AOC - "wannabees" - here in Pittsburgh who "spew" their Marxist ideologies on the local radio talk shows - according to many Internets' political analysts. They always - conveniently forget - to mention that Socialism/Marxism never works in any country which tried it - on the contrary - massive Marxism - invariably - leaves many million dead political opponents as it changes in many ways in many countries. 

       In any event - everybody will have a super good first week of Jun. 2022 and we shall meet here a week from today when we will present a special Commentary of the Week - from Chicago.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and the Associates 2022


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