For this cool, sunny and pleasant - so far so good - week of Jun. 2022 - we shall comment upon a weekly news feature presented by a strongly Liberal/Leftist news outlet - NPR - every Friday evening 8 pm in Pittsburgh, Pa. - market - titled in an explanatory fashion - "Washington Week in Review" - moderated for several years by Yamiche Alcindor - a heavy set Leftist "journalist". She is more of a propagandist for the Leftist political agenda than a journalist but OK - we will call her a journalist. Not to get side-tracked but Alcindor prides herself on being a chosen protege of - now deceased - past NPR Leftist legend - Gwen Ifill - about whom Alcindor talks in every week's broadcast even though Alcindor - herself - almost left NPR for NBC News division about a year ago which was announced on the air but - evidently - NBC changed their mind.
At any rate - let's get back to this Fri. Jun. 10 - 2022 - broadcast which featured several Washington, D.C. Leftist/Socialist - journalists - many of them - the same faces which appear regularly on "Washington Week in Review" - all of them spout the same Leftist/Liberal political agenda which is - anti-Capitalist, anti-Republican - and - allegedly - pro-common people, which is phony since those Washington, D.C. "journalistic" personalities are - usually -rich elitist snobs, and they know it.
In any event - all of you will have a super good new week and we shall meet here next week - as every week - same place - same time!
Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022
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