Thursday, August 25, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 02 - 2022 through Fri. Sept. 09 - 2022!

            For this - coming very soon - first week of school year 2022/2023 - we will comment upon a recent announcement by Pres. Biden re: the debt "forgiveness" of ten thousand dollars per each student - for approx. 60 million students. This "splurge" costs the U.S. government - ab. 400 billion dollars - moreover - it's not any "forgiveness" or anything of that sort - since the U.S. taxpayers will have to "foot" most of the bill - as usually. Many political observers comment that it was promised by Pres. Biden during his presidential campaign of 2020 - in order to "buy young voters" - thus many college students took fair or unfair - advantage of it. 

      However - according to a lot of political commentators - "this sort of 'buying the voters' - can backfire in a lot of ways. The main one being that the segment of population who has to pay for it - becomes resentful - while another political argument postulates that "the voters who voted for Pres. Biden - will vote for him - anyway - however - the new ones - will just take advantage of his 'bribe' - but they will never, ever vote for him - no way."

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 26 - 2022 till Fri. Sept. 02 - 2022!

               For the last week of August 2022 which will end with the Labor Day 2022 weekend beginning on Fri. Sept. 02 - 2022 - we will continue with the "fall out" caused by FBI raiding the Mar-A-Lago residence of ex-Pres. Donald Trump on Aug. 08 - 2022 - Monday. The U.S. press and the social medial "exploded" with various commentaries - underscoring the political divisions in the U.S. and in the world - as well.

            According to many social media platforms - Mr. Trump's lawyer and Mr. Trump were given the warrant notifying them about the imminent F.B.I. raid. Many legal commentators stated that the aforementioned warrant was "vague and broad" meaning that in addition to "legal Presidential papers which the F.B.I was - allegedly - after - they could - also requisition "everything else - including the proverbial 'kitchen sink'".

           Reportedly - Mr. Trump's son Erick - present during the Mar-A-Lago raid - refused to turn off the security cameras which showed that 80 or so F.B.I. agents - all "sported" backpacks - as if to "plant the evidence" - according to other social media platforms' - legal commentators.

          In any event - the "soap opera" will continue. Very recently - a judge requested a "redacted" version of the F.B.I. issued legal affidavit since most members of the U.S. press - are pressing - to examine it.

          At any rate - we will continue with the updates - but everybody will have a super good Labor Day 2022 - weekend - coming up soon and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

         Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 19 - 2022 till Fri. Aug. 26 - 2022!

          This week we will comment upon an extraordinary FBI raid/search - executing a legal warrant - for the first time in U.S. history upon the residence of an ex-president Trump - searching for some presidential papers - according to the press reports. Thus - on Mon. Aug. 08 - 2022 - 60 or so FBI agents arrived at the Mar-A-Lago semi-official presidential residence of the ex-president Trump - to execute a search warrant signed by U.S. Attorney General - Merrick Garland.

      According to the expert analysis/commentary delivered on Thurs. Aug. 11 - 2022 by Prof. Alan Dershowitz - a foremost authority on the U.S. Constitutional Law who taught at Harvard University Law School for fifty years - the warrant was executed in an improper manner pointing to the politicization of FBI. 

      Prof. Dershowitz was interviewed at length by a well-known radio talk show host - Rose Tennent on Thurs. Aug. 11 - 2022 during her radio talk show presented by KDKA Radio - Pittsburgh, Pa. - from 9 am till noon.

      In any event - we will be hearing about the aforementioned incident for a long time to come - but everybody will have a super good new week. We shall meet here - as always - a week from today!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 12 - 2022 through Fri. Aug. 19 - 2022!

          For this rainy and stormy week in August 2022 - we will comment - again - on Fri. Aug. 05 - 2022 edition of PBS Washington news weekly - only half hour in length - (Thank God for small favors!) titled "Washington Week in Review". This news weekly half hour broadcast was moderated by Leann Coldwell - a White House correspondent from a Leftist news outlet - CNN. Coldwell's short haircut looks as if she did it herself - but it's not fair to criticize the people behind their Leftist/Marxist political agendas - so we won't do it. On the other hand - once they appear in front of the TV cameras in view of the U.S. and other countries - they can be commented upon. Anyway - Coldwell - dutifully - did mention that Yamiche Alcindor - the regular Leftist moderator - was "away" - which could be a Leftist journalists' - euphemism - for "vacations".

        At any rate - the aforementioned broadcast - was boring - as usual - since the Leftist Washington, D.C.'s - regular correspondents - shrink away from reporting the news which don't comport with their Leftist political agenda - party planks. For example - Kari Lake - an important Arizona politician who scored the victory over Mike Pence's supported candidate - during the important Arizona primaries held on Tues. Aug. 02 - 2022 - was barely mentioned during the Fri. Aug. 05 - 2022 - "Washington Week in Review". Kari Lake's victory clearly indicates Arizona's political trend in a coming fight for a crucial U.S. Senate sit which is leaning towards Republicans but - as we mentioned before - all that was barely commented upon - for a few seconds only.

       Back to our commentary - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today!