Thursday, August 18, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 26 - 2022 till Fri. Sept. 02 - 2022!

               For the last week of August 2022 which will end with the Labor Day 2022 weekend beginning on Fri. Sept. 02 - 2022 - we will continue with the "fall out" caused by FBI raiding the Mar-A-Lago residence of ex-Pres. Donald Trump on Aug. 08 - 2022 - Monday. The U.S. press and the social medial "exploded" with various commentaries - underscoring the political divisions in the U.S. and in the world - as well.

            According to many social media platforms - Mr. Trump's lawyer and Mr. Trump were given the warrant notifying them about the imminent F.B.I. raid. Many legal commentators stated that the aforementioned warrant was "vague and broad" meaning that in addition to "legal Presidential papers which the F.B.I was - allegedly - after - they could - also requisition "everything else - including the proverbial 'kitchen sink'".

           Reportedly - Mr. Trump's son Erick - present during the Mar-A-Lago raid - refused to turn off the security cameras which showed that 80 or so F.B.I. agents - all "sported" backpacks - as if to "plant the evidence" - according to other social media platforms' - legal commentators.

          In any event - the "soap opera" will continue. Very recently - a judge requested a "redacted" version of the F.B.I. issued legal affidavit since most members of the U.S. press - are pressing - to examine it.

          At any rate - we will continue with the updates - but everybody will have a super good Labor Day 2022 - weekend - coming up soon and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

         Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


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