Friday, September 30, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 07 - 2022 through Fri. Oct. 14 - 2022!

         For this chilly but sunny week of October 2022 - we shall comment upon Florida's Governor DeSantis - chartering a plane and sending ab. 50 illegals - some with little children - to a rich, posh resort of Martha's Vineyards - Maryland - on Sept. 14 - 2022 - from his state of Florida to which - they were "schlepped" secretly in the middle of the night - from the small border town of the border state Texas - where - they crossed illegally and following their exhaustion of their money allowances - the U.S. government chartered plane - secretly - dumped them in Florida in the middle of the night. After they used up their U.S. monetary appropriations in Florida - they joined the Florida's - American population of homeless and penniless - many of whom are mentally ill or criminally inclined - individuals. 

        At that point - Governor DeSantis - offered to "clean them up" - to give them some new money and to relocate them to the rich Martha's Vineyards Resort area. They - eagerly - agreed and signed all sorts of legal releases. Upon their arrival in the allegedly "Sanctuary city" - open to all sorts of illegals - the wealthy Martha's Vineyards resort - they were met by the local authorities which - quickly - summoned up the National Guardsmen who - rapidly - escorted the group to the naval base at Maryland's - Cape Cod.

       So much for the "Sanctuary City" concept of wealthy Martha's Vineyards' Leftist Democrats - claiming - to welcome all sorts of illegals - evidently - as long as they do not arrive in their own - "back yard". In the interim - the Leftist/Socialist billionaire - George Soros is financing the lawsuits against the Governors - Abbott of Texas which is suffering the massive invasion of the illegals - and against the Governor DeSantis of Florida which also suffers similar - albeit - lesser - invasion.

      It needs to be noted that during ex-Pres. Trump's administration - the illegals were to remain in their respective countries after they requested the political asylum in the U.S. (the claims of which are rejected in 96% of cases) - or they needed to wait in the first country they entered after they left their own country. However - Pres. Biden voided ex-Pres. Trump's executive orders regarding the U.S. borders and that's why the U.S. borders are - currently - a lot more flooded by the illegals. Many political commentators call the current situation at the Southern border - "the invasion".

            Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025


Saturday, September 24, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 30 - 2022 through Fri. Oct. 07 - 2022!

       For this glorious even if a bit chilly - week of September 2022 - we will comment upon the radio hosts of several popular radio stations in Chicagoland area. The biggest talk/news radio station of which the signal comes clearly in our area - has mostly neutral - politically - guys - radio hosts - who focus on local issues - for the most part. Of course - they also discuss global events - but their main focus is on local issues. However - the aforementioned station also has two Leftists/Socialists hosts who deny their political leanings which - nevertheless - come out like the lack of deodorant. The two smaller talk/news radio stations - popular locally - feature mostly - many famous, nationally syndicated "kings of talk".

      In any event - one of those Leftists radio hosts at the big station which we shall not name - likes to show his purported "superiority" while he interacts with various - mostly - green and inexperienced - callers - thirsty for their 30 seconds of fame. As he - himself - phrased it "sometimes he 'cuts them down' in the knees'". A few days ago - however - a clever caller effectively "turned the tables" on the aforementioned Leftist radio host. 

       It happened very quickly so the Leftist host - evidently - got totally "blindsided". The call came almost at the very end of the Leftist host's extra shift which should have been given to another host who earned it. At any rate - the aforementioned Leftist host sounded in a great mood which quickly changed after the last caller was done. 

       At first - the caller pretended to foster the host's obvious Socialist political persuasion which made the Leftist host happy as he repeated his worn-out Socialist talking points. Then - suddenly - the caller informed the stunned host that "Adolph Hitler was the most prominent Socialist party boss (Nazi meaning - National Socialists in German) - thus - since then the Socialism became and stayed - a very bad political brand". The twinkle in the Leftist's radio host voice - disappeared as he agreed with the last statement of his caller - at the very end of his extra shift which should have gone to his colleague who earned it.

     Anyway - everybody will have a super good week. All our Jewish friends will have a great New Year 5783 and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022

Our Commentary of the week from Fri. Sept. 23 - 2022 till Fri. Sept. 30 - 2022!

           This week we shall comment on several important events taking place during the weekend of Fri. Sept. 16 - 2022 through Sun. Sept. 18 - 2022 - in our hilly and gorgeous looking - Pittsburgh, Pa. Again - (we did a story on 2 downtown - Pittsburgh's big events a few weeks ago) - the mounted police will be in attendance - to keep peace - downtown; they will be present - this Friday - according to the Pittsburgh, Pa - media - for Elton John - third - farewell concert tour. Moreover - close to full force of about thousand police officers - will also be on hand - to keep downtown safe - on Sun. Sept. 18 - when the Pittsburgh Steelers football team will play the New England Patriots. 

     On Fri. Sept. 16 - 2022 - Elton John will present his third farewell appearance in Pittsburgh's big PNC Park - stadium. The tickets sell briskly for $200 a pop. We would rather watch him on TV. If anybody goes in person - the PNC Park has close to 39 thousand viewers' - capacity.

    The second big event happening downtown on Sun. Sept. 18 - 2022 - will be Pittsburgh Steelers - "home opener" football game during which they will play New England Patriots at the Acrisure Stadium (recently newly renamed, big sports stadium) - previously known as Heinz Fields with the huge catsup bottles suspended around the front entrance of the stadium; all gigantic bottles - recently - came down. 

     The aforementioned Acrisure Stadium holds close to 70 thousand seats. Most people in Pittsburgh still continue calling the newly re-named - Acrisure Stadium - by its old name "Heinz Fields" - though.

     Anyway - it will be the first time when both famous football teams play sans their legendary quarterbacks - Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger - respectively.

    In any event - we are staying away from downtown - it's safer to watch the big happenings - on TV - but everybody will have a super good, new week while - we will meet here a week from today - as every week!

    Copyright@ L.Hadley and Associates 2022

Friday, September 9, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 16 - 2022 through Fri. Sept. 23 - 2022!

            For this lovely week of September 2022 - we shall comment on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II which happened a few days ago - Sept. 07 - 2022 so her oldest son - Prince Charles could - finally - assume the English throne to become King Charles III - finally - at the long last. The American media is frantically covering the Queen's life plus the various dramas of her immediate and distant family. 

       All this hoopla makes for interesting television of sorts. I vividly recall various interesting TV specials about the British Royal family only a few months ago - in June 2022 when the celebrations of Queen's Diamond Jubilee of her rule - 75 years - was a big event. The queen was ailing and not participating in too many Diamond Jubilee celebrations which - nevertheless - brought tons of international tourists to England. 

       We are looking forward to a two-hour long ABC special about the Royal family which will air very soon. 

      Anyway - everybody will have a good, new week. Soon the leaves will be glowing with gorgeous colors! We will meet here - as every week - a week from today!

     Coyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


Thursday, September 1, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 09 - 2022 till Fri. Sept. 16 - 2022!

             For this lovely, long Labor Day 2022 - weekend - we will comment on various fests - currently taking place in hilly, picturesque Pittsburgh - the "star" city of Western Pennsylvania. Everybody who reads our weekly column knows that we date it a couple of weeks ahead so - presently - our West Penn or Western Pennsylvania's "star" city - hilly Pittsburgh - gets ready to celebrate the coming, long Labor Day 2022 weekend. It will feature several prominent sporting events downtown which needs "rejuvenation" of every sort - anyway. This Labor Day 2022 - the organizers promote the "Ribs Fest" which promises all kinds and sizes of smoked, barbecued ribs which taste heavenly with some cold beer. 

      However - the biggest attraction appears to be the huge college football game between Pittsburgh's - Pitt - University of Pittsburgh and a West Virginia Mountaineers (the neighboring West Virginia University's football team). Thus, the Pitt Panthers - traditionally - play a game of football with West Virginia Mountaineers - which attracts close to 70 thousand people to Pittsburgh's downtown area newly re-named huge - Acrisure Stadium - previously named Heinz Field - for a long time. The game ends with an event - Backyard Brawl to which the tickets are sold - hopefully for charity.

      It needs to be noted that Pittsburgh's talk radio hosts - like to make fun of neighboring state West Virginia's lack of sophistication - as if the Pittsburghers don't act "Ga-Ga-Gugu" - impressed - whenever any visiting "national celebrity" mentions their "ties to Pittsburgh" - most likely - in order to sell more tickets or merchandise of some sort.

     Back to the huge sporting event on Thurs. Sept. 01 - 2022. The local police's - lady rep - warned people that the horse police as well as tons of extra police will be present so people "don't drink too much or act in a criminal fashion to cause the police's intervention". Enough said - we wouldn't be downtown Pittsburgh on Thurs. Sept. 01 - 2022 - evening - even if anybody would pay us to go.

      Important note: the abovementioned sporting event went smoothly - nobody got shot. 

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week - the first week of September 2022! We meet here - a week from today - as every week!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022