For this glorious even if a bit chilly - week of September 2022 - we will comment upon the radio hosts of several popular radio stations in Chicagoland area. The biggest talk/news radio station of which the signal comes clearly in our area - has mostly neutral - politically - guys - radio hosts - who focus on local issues - for the most part. Of course - they also discuss global events - but their main focus is on local issues. However - the aforementioned station also has two Leftists/Socialists hosts who deny their political leanings which - nevertheless - come out like the lack of deodorant. The two smaller talk/news radio stations - popular locally - feature mostly - many famous, nationally syndicated "kings of talk".
In any event - one of those Leftists radio hosts at the big station which we shall not name - likes to show his purported "superiority" while he interacts with various - mostly - green and inexperienced - callers - thirsty for their 30 seconds of fame. As he - himself - phrased it "sometimes he 'cuts them down' in the knees'". A few days ago - however - a clever caller effectively "turned the tables" on the aforementioned Leftist radio host.
It happened very quickly so the Leftist host - evidently - got totally "blindsided". The call came almost at the very end of the Leftist host's extra shift which should have been given to another host who earned it. At any rate - the aforementioned Leftist host sounded in a great mood which quickly changed after the last caller was done.
At first - the caller pretended to foster the host's obvious Socialist political persuasion which made the Leftist host happy as he repeated his worn-out Socialist talking points. Then - suddenly - the caller informed the stunned host that "Adolph Hitler was the most prominent Socialist party boss (Nazi meaning - National Socialists in German) - thus - since then the Socialism became and stayed - a very bad political brand". The twinkle in the Leftist's radio host voice - disappeared as he agreed with the last statement of his caller - at the very end of his extra shift which should have gone to his colleague who earned it.
Anyway - everybody will have a super good week. All our Jewish friends will have a great New Year 5783 and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!
Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022
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