Friday, October 7, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 14 - 2022 through Fri. Oct. 21 - 2022!

           For this chilly but lovely week of October 2022 - we will comment upon Pennsylvania - "preparing" to vote in the upcoming Midterms 2022 - important midterm elections coming on Tues. Nov. 08 - 2022. The coming soon Midterm elections will determine the next U.S. 118th Congress - which will set the politics until the new 119th U.S. Congress - is elected in 2024 which will fall on the year of the U.S. Presidential elections as well - which happen every four years.

       We focus on Pennsylvania because it's one of the few states which will decide upon the coming balance of power - thus - the new Senator and the new Pennsylvania governor shall be elected during the coming shortly - 2022 Midterms on Tues. Nov. 08 - 2022. As far as gubernatorial race is concerned - Josh Shapiro - a present Pennsylvania - Attorney General - is seeking - the governor's - mansion.

     It needs to be noted that - according to Hugh Hewitt - a seasoned political commentator - "Shapiro is a sly Leftist/Democrat - a typical professional political hack". Thus - according to the same - political analyst - "the only redeeming quality of Shapiro is that he does not demonize the state of Israel - the way most of his U.S. Leftists/Democrats politicians/colleagues - currently - do." 

       Shapiro is spending millions upon millions of Leftists/Democrats' - money - to defeat - Doug Mastriano - a Republican candidate from Pennsylvania - (a current - prominent Pennsylvania state legislator) who espouses some extreme views on abortion, gay marriage and other issues. Anyway - according to polls - Shapiro has 9 points (9 percent) advantage over Mastriano - for now - anyway. One never knows - though - how the voters will cast their ballots on the election day.

      It's a totally different story in Pennsylvania - with the important race between John Fetterman a huge - 6"5' - openly Marxist/Socialist career politician - who is a local Leftist professional political hack - who aspires to be another Bernie Sanders - a Socialist/Leftist type - an old Marxist/U. S. Senator from Vermont - who - also - never held a regular job a day in his life - who is still active in the U.S. Senate spouting his Socialist/Leftist worn out talking points - but evidently - he is on his way out. It's no doubt that John Fetterman strongly desires to become a Bernie Sanders - "wannabe". 

      In any event - Fetterman is - currently - barely leading by - a puny - several percentage points - his Republican opponent - Dr. Mehmet Oz - a hardworking, capable international celebrity/star - accomplished doctor/entrepreneur - not a political hack - who - presently - lands many effective "punches" on Fetterman and his policies - during Oz's - numerous TV ads - especially in regard to Fetterman being soft on crime which he does not deny. Dr. Oz - on the other hand - being worth upwards of 600 million dollars - hardly needs a political career other than wanting to help the American people.

      John Fetterman - who never held a real job in his life has been depending on his rich parents to finance his political campaigns - first - to be elected a mayor of a small Pittsburgh's suburb -"a hole in the wall" - a tiny enclave - Braddock - from 2016 till 2019 - a municipality - plagued by poverty and crime which hardly improved during his mayoral term. The job of the mayor of Braddock - pays about $5 per month so his wealthy parents continued to support him and his family (he has three good looking children - all of whom look exactly like his wife - not to say anything critical about his personal physical features or anything like that). 

      The New York Times paper article confirms that Fetterman was chasing an unarmed Black jogger as he threatened the jogger with his rifle - ready to shoot - until the police came and freed the jogger. The radio political ad maintains that Fetterman never apologized for this incident. 

       In the meantime, his parents continued to support his further political endeavor which was to be elected lieutenant governor to Pennsylvania state government - plus - he accumulated his Leftist/Socialist political donors - from out of state and from Pennsylvania.

      He - finally - at the long last - got a paying job - at the age of 49 - pursuant to him getting elected to the position of the Pennsylvania - lieutenant governor - a few years ago. The aforementioned political position pays around 200 hundred thousand dollars per year plus it pays numerous perks which he hardly uses - to his puny - credit.

     Both candidates - now - in the "heat" of the last days of the campaign - spend tons of money for TV ads - three weeks before the Midterm 2022 - to attack each other's characters - instead of discussing the current - pressing political issues plaguing Pennsylvania's voters.

    Fetterman - finally - agreed to debate Dr. Mehmet Oz - on local TV which will be - broadcasted - all over the U.S. - no doubt - on Oct. 25 - 2022. Fetterman was trying hard to "weasel out" of debating - even being reluctant to campaign using the lame excuse that he suffered a stroke in May 2022 - thus he planned to "hide" and be elected since his polling numbers were higher - all of which drastically changed - now - that the truth about him - started to come - En masse - to the surface.

    At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week! All our Jewish friends will have a Happy Whole Week of the Holidays of Sukkot 2022!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

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