Friday, February 24, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week from Fri. March 03 - 2023 till Fri. March 10 - 2023!

          For this coming soon - early spring of 2023 - week - we will comment on the East Palestine, Ohio - train derailment which transported chemicals - dangerous for people to inhale. Vinyl Chloride is the main "villain" - dangerous to people and animals. There is a bit of hysteria demonstrated by people living close the railroad tracks - in the small-town East Palestine - Ohio - with the population of only 4700.

        On February 6th - 2023 - the Norfolk Southern Company train - derailed and caught fire whereupon - the authorities decided to stage a "controlled" explosion of a car which could explode in a powerful manner if left without intervention. The operation appeared to be a success since the EPA testing shows lack of contamination of water and air.

        In the meantime - a lot of politicians make their appearances - looking for publicity while the Secretary of Transportation for Pres. Biden's administration - Pete Buttigieg - a confirmed Leftist - didn't make an appearance until several weeks went by. The NTSB preliminary investigation postulates that "the overheated wheel bearing caused the accident which - according to NTSB - could be prevented".

       In any event - everybody will have a super good week - and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

       L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Friday, February 17, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 24 - 2023 through Fri. March 03 - 2023!

         For this crazy week which had 70 F in the middle but ended with icy, windy - 29 F - we will comment on John Fetterman's - a newly elected Pennsylvania Democratic - senator - debacle of big proportions. In a nutshell - John Fetterman launched a bruising political campaign as a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate representing Pennsylvania - early in 2022. He - subsequently - barely - won against the Republican candidate - Dr. Mehmet Oz in Nov. 2022 midterm elections. Dr. Oz - an international TV celebrity - a celebrated medical doctor - would have made a much better U.S. Senator for a lot of reasons.

      To make a long story short - during the aforementioned political campaign during the fall 2022 - Midterms 2022 - it - subsequently - came to the surface that Fetterman had a limited political and any other sort of experience of any kind - rather than being a professional political "hack" who could not even properly run the small - crime infested - suburb of Pittsburgh - Braddock - as its mayor earning almost no salary to speak of - for several years. After he got elected as lieutenant governor in Pennsylvania - in 2018 - then - for the first time in his career - he - finally- started to earn ab. 217 thousand dollars per year plus numerous perks. Before that - his rich parents supported him and his family of a wife and three children - until he was fifty years old.

      Anyway - during the spring of 2022 - in May - in the middle of the most important political campaign of his life for the U.S. Senate - Fetterman suffered a massive stroke at which time he should have quit his campaign to concentrate on recovering. Instead - he continued - while his "blinded" Democratic liberals/supporters - forked out huge political contributions which went to waste since - currently - on Feb. 16 - 2022 - Fetterman checked himself into Walter Reid Medical Facility in Washington, D.C - for politicians - to treat his clinical depression which he acquired as a result of undergoing his massive stroke in May 2022.

     It looks as though - he will not be able to serve Pennsylvania - any time soon. Dr. Oz would have been a thousand times better for Pennsylvania.

     At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week which will be the first week of March - 2023. The Spring 2023 - will be here soon. We shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Friday, February 10, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 17 - 2023 through Fri. Feb. 24 - 2023!

              For this February 2023 week - which is over all - warm this winter 2023 - we shall comment upon the State of the Union - speech delivered by Pres. Biden on Tues. Feb. 07 - 2023. The opposition party which is Republicans - big in numbers - in the U.S. House of Representatives - after 2022 midterm elections - were vocal - some say - raucous - in their opposition to Pres. Biden's political agenda planks - speech - which contained a lot of hints that he will run again - in 2024 Presidential elections. It needs to be noted that there is a lot of opposition to this notion coming from many political factions and parties - even a lot of his own partymen - the Democrats - oppose this idea. 

      While the vocal opponents of Pres. Biden's agenda received push back in Liberal U.S. press for their vocal expressions - jeering Pres. Biden - during his speech on Tues. Feb. 07 - 2023 during the State of the Union event - for short SOTU - but it wasn't as strong as it could be - because - according to many political commentators - he delivered many major lies/distortions as well as some good points during his SOTU address in 2023. Nobody forgot the fact that Nancy Pelosi who was the main opposition party's big "honcho" when the Democrats were the opposition - tore up the President's - at that time - SOTU speech when President Trump was in office which was on Jan. 06 - 2020. She did that in the "glare" of many TV cameras - and in the full view of the U.S. and International - Press.

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week which includes a Happy Valentine's Holiday for all! We shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

      L.S. Hadley and Associates 2023


Friday, February 3, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 10 - 2023 till Fri. Feb. 17 - 2023!

          For this coming soon - Love Holiday -Valentine's Day 2023 - ironically - we shall comment upon the U.S. Congressional Representative Ilhan Omar - who is widely hated by the U.S. Jews (she made a number of awful, offensive - anti-Semitic statements for which she only "deflected" but never properly - apologized. Her Minnesota constituents - allegedly - voted her in - again - for another two-year term for the new 118th U.S. Congress - (lower chamber of the U.S. Main legislative body). We say - allegedly - because there were a lot of rumors circulating to the effect that her elections to the 118th U.S. Congress were "cheated" if not stolen outright.  

        With her native Somalia being a failed state full of violence - many Americans take a strong issue with her harsh criticisms of the U.S. Moreover - the India's millions also resent Omar for her defense and accepting of the political contributions from various Leftist/Terrorists related groups - the enemies of the Hindu Prime minister - Narendra Modi.

       To make a long story short - in a nutshell - the new Speaker of the U.S. Congress - Kevin McCarthy's led a successful campaign for her removal from the Foreign Affairs Congressional Committee - which was a super good move.

      At any rate - everybody will have a very good new week and a great Valentine Day 2023! We meet here a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023