Friday, February 3, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 10 - 2023 till Fri. Feb. 17 - 2023!

          For this coming soon - Love Holiday -Valentine's Day 2023 - ironically - we shall comment upon the U.S. Congressional Representative Ilhan Omar - who is widely hated by the U.S. Jews (she made a number of awful, offensive - anti-Semitic statements for which she only "deflected" but never properly - apologized. Her Minnesota constituents - allegedly - voted her in - again - for another two-year term for the new 118th U.S. Congress - (lower chamber of the U.S. Main legislative body). We say - allegedly - because there were a lot of rumors circulating to the effect that her elections to the 118th U.S. Congress were "cheated" if not stolen outright.  

        With her native Somalia being a failed state full of violence - many Americans take a strong issue with her harsh criticisms of the U.S. Moreover - the India's millions also resent Omar for her defense and accepting of the political contributions from various Leftist/Terrorists related groups - the enemies of the Hindu Prime minister - Narendra Modi.

       To make a long story short - in a nutshell - the new Speaker of the U.S. Congress - Kevin McCarthy's led a successful campaign for her removal from the Foreign Affairs Congressional Committee - which was a super good move.

      At any rate - everybody will have a very good new week and a great Valentine Day 2023! We meet here a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023


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