For this icy windy, cold week of February - we will comment upon the huge "hoopla" staged by the U.S. Mainstream Media about the death of Tyre Nichols - a young Black motorist who resisted arrest and was mistreated by 5 black police officers - currently charged with 2nd degree murder in Memphis, Tennessee. In the meantime - many Progressive/Leftist politicians are using this incident to further their political goals of attacking the U.S. police.
This propaganda political activities by the U.S. Leftists are reminiscent to their Summer 2020 campaign - the one which provoked long Summer 2020 violent anti-police riots plus massive looting - during which tons of government buildings were destroyed as well as several innocent lives were lost due to the excesses of the U.S. Marxists/Black Lives Matter - elements - pursuant to the police killing George Floyd - another hoodlum - who resisted arrest and should have known better than acting in a stupid/risky - fashion towards the police.
It needs to be noted that after Floyd's death - his family was invited to Pres. Joe Biden's White House which begs the question: where is his invitation to the families of the policemen who died that year - in the line of duty - trying to protect the people they served?
At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here a week from today - like every week!
Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024
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