Thursday, January 12, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 20 - 2023 till Fri. Jan. 27 - 2023!

          For this rainy for now - but promising to be snowy - very soon - week of January 23 - we will comment upon the very recent change in the Speakership of the U.S. House of Representatives for the new 118 U.S. Congress which will last two years - until the new elections. 

      To make a long story - short - the last Speaker which maintained that powerful position (2nd only to the U.S. Presidency) was a Democrat Nancy Pelosi of California - a position she held - on an off - close to 16 years - way too long. Her speaker's years were marked by her many dictatorial rules and moves - she helped to institute. 

      The U.S. House of Representatives (close to 432 members - based on U.S. population) is the lower chamber of the U.S. Congress (the highest U.S. legislative institution which - usually - trumps - the individual states' - legislatures).      

       The higher chamber of the U.S. Congress is the U.S. Senate which is a much smaller in size legislative body - (2 senators from each state without the consideration of the size of the state - or about 100 members); it's a less powerful legislative chamber than the House of Representatives - even if it appears more prestigious and glamorous. 

       Both of those chambers are two parts of the U.S. Congress with the lower chamber - the U.S. House of Representatives elected every two years - thus - currently - we just elected 118th Congress members - mostly Republicans - for two years - while the U.S. senators are elected for 6 years.

      In many ways - the lower chamber - the House of Representatives - is much more powerful than the Senate since it has the power of the purse - thus it funds any programs which they approve or not. The new legislative pieces have to be voted on by powerful committees in the House of Representatives - first - before "they go anywhere further". 

      The aforementioned powerful House of Representatives' committees - now - with the Republicans in charge - are - currently - arranged by the new Republican speaker Kevin McCarthy of California - who just "got the gavel" and had to change many rules - under pressure of his ultra conservative members. 

     The powerful position of the speaker of the U.S. House of the Representatives - is voted on by the members of the U.S. Congress (the lower chamber) and the U.S Senate - (the higher chamber) - and not by the population. 

      Kevin McCarthy just instituted new rules with his new Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives - for the new 118th Congress. His speakership is much more democratic - but some say - much weaker - than Nancy Pelosi's. 

     In any event - not to say anything derogatory or anything like that - but Nancy Pelosi - needed to go. She was an "embalmed deity" - frequently - resembling - a despot - close to 90 years old - whereas - the new speaker - Kevin McCarthy - is only 58 years old - a "youngster" with good looks. 

     It's not like we are looking at those things - but if I wasn't "spoken for" - we would suggest that - he could eat crackers in many attractive women's beds - if he wasn't married - as well - that is - for sure.

     At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here - next week like every week.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

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