Thursday, January 19, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 27 - 2023 till Fri. Feb. 03 - 2023!

           For this coming - very soon - week - the week of the fat groundhog - "Punxsutawney Phil" - seeing his shadow (less winter left this season) - on Feb. 02 - 2023 - during a yearly ceremony - in Punxsutawney - Pennsylvania - we shall comment onto the well-known among the political commentators/columnist - for "Washington Examiner" and "Wall Street Journal" - Salena Zito. She - actually was employed by the Pittsburgh newspaper - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review for a while - before she hit the "greener pastures".

      In any event - we like her style and political positions. She also contributes to "New York Post" as well. All the - aforementioned - newspapers - and others as well - like "Wall Street Journal" - have wide circulations - online and otherwise - are the answers to "New York Times" and its clones/papers which - openly - propagate for American and International - Leftist/Progressive/Socialist Political agenda's - planks. All the Lefties/Clones papers - repeat/parrot - the "New York Times's" - Leftist political drumbeat.

       If you enter her website - - it will take you to her weekly columns for "Washington Examiner" which will teach you and inform you as well as entertain you.

       Everybody will have a very good new week - and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


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