Friday, July 28, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 04 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 11 - 2023!

            For this hot, hot, sticky week of Summer 2023 - we will continue to comment upon the local radio talk shows' - hosts - with the disclaimer - however - "Any similarity to the real people - purely - coincidental." As we mentioned before the radio talk genre can be an interesting source of local news as well as a good analysis of the national news.

     All the talk show hosts talk a bit about their personal lives as they relate to the issues they cover - however - some of the talkers - get hooked on talking about themselves - as if most of the listening audience - really - gave a "rat's pajama" - once they start overdoing it.

     This one talk radio host - we shall not be mentioning his name or the name of the station - loves, loves, loves - to talk about himself when he presents his analysis of current events - he does it - just like the legendary, the youngest U.S. president - to assume the U.S. presidency - Teddy Roosevelt - (only 42 years old when he became the president of the U.S. upon the assassination of Pres. McKinley - who was shot by a crazy anarchist in Buffalo, New York - at the Pan-American Exposition - on Sept. 06 - 1901). 

      Not to digress too much or get sidetracked - but the anarchists - are not a new phenomenon in the U.S. politics - i.e. - the U.S. Marxists/Leftists/Anarchists recently rioted violently during the Summer of 2020 in Seattle, WA.  - after which most of them received "a slap on the wrist" by a Leftist judge in Seattle, WA - while in Washington, D.C. - the Leftist judge (no doubt - whose campaign was financed by a billionaire Socialist - Soros) - was handing out excessive sentences for the Jan. 06 - 2021 rioters - frequently - even exceeding the recommendations of the prosecutors - according to many political commentators expressing the aforementioned comments onto many social media platforms.

     In any event - Pres. Teddy Roosevelt' oldest daughter - Alice Roosevelt Wentworth - used to comment that Pres. Teddy Roosevelt "simply loved to give himself tons of publicity - he was a bride at every wedding, a baby at every christening and a corpse at every funeral".

    At any rate - everybody will have a cool, pleasant week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Friday, July 21, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 28 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 04 - 2023!

        For the first week of August 2023 - while the Summer 2023 continues in a mostly cool - mode - which is great - we shall continue with commenting on some talk radio hosts and their methods. Last week we mentioned that the talk radio hosts have certain followers of the listeners - who sometimes - listen to the multiple hosts but - at times - they call certain hosts - to express their - well established - political opinions. Thus, the people who listen to the talk radio stations get to know the steady callers to the stations - as they easily recognize their voices and opinions - for the most part. The callers come and go - as well as the radio hosts.

      Sometimes - the talk radio stations decide on the "overhaul" of their established schedules as well as the hosts. For example - last year - the local, well-known talk radio station - the exact location of which - we shall not mention - changed their line-up in a big way - and got rid of several radio hosts. 

      In today's warped political climate - the management had to make sure - that all the "getting rid" of frequently - nasty - in their on-air presentations - hosts - had no "racist overtones" of any kind - not matter how awful the aforementioned - radio host - may come off to the listeners who strongly disagree with their one-sided political propaganda. Consequently - all the getting rid of the abrasive and obnoxious - elements - had to be justified by "losing the income" for the station - which is not hard to do - thank God for small favors - (the last comment - editors of this column).

      While the aforementioned talk radio station was executing this big overhaul - one of the part-time hosts - strongly espousing his Leftist/Socialist/Marxist - political persuasions - was heavily lobbying to get a full-time position with the station - and for this goal - he was - actively - recruiting his Leftists listeners - so they would "bombard" the management with the appeals for his full-time employment. All those aforementioned, tacky efforts - fell flat on its face with a big thud.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every we do every Friday.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Friday, July 14, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 21 - 2023 through Fri. Jul. 28 - 2023!

           For this stormy a bit - but still on the cool side - Summer 2023 - week of July 2023 - we shall continue for a while with the radio talk show hosts whose "gab" or mannerisms of speech - pays their bills - in other words - they talk for a living. The styles of the talk show hosts' - change - since the general trends also - undergo changes. 

      Mike Gallagher - is one of the top radio talkers with a huge, national following of listeners - who has been maintaining his top place among the talkers - for quite a few years. The radio talk business is a difficult and trendy one.

      Mike Gallagher observed last week that - lately - certain popular phrases used by some of his talkers/colleagues whose names he would not mention - get on his nerves. The top ones he listed are as follows:

     1. "At the end of the day" - Mike Gallagher maintains that this phrase is stupid and meaningless - since "at the end of the day - will always be the night".

     2. The second phrase which works Mr. Gallagher nerves is - "Oh - B.T.W. - and another thing worth mentioning is" - according to Mike Gallager that phase means zero - "Just talk about it without any stupid introductions that are time consuming - while the listeners know that you are just extending you airtime without saying anything worth listening to".

     Speaking of "extending the airtime" - the local, popular talk radio station which name we shall not disclose - just fired a talk radio host - who had a habit of "going on and on and on and on again" on the subject which he should have treated - in a quarter of the on air - time - allotted to him. His voice sounded OK - though - as opposed to some other talk radio hosts whose respective voices sound as pleasant - to many listeners as the proverbial "nails down the chalkboard".

     In any event - everybody will have a good, new week. We shall meet here a week from today when we shall continue with the various types of talk radio hosts.

    Copyright @ L.S. Hadley and Associates 2023


Friday, July 7, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 14 - 2023 through Fri. Jul. 21 - 2023!

         For this hot a bit - but not overly hot - thank God - week of July 2023 - we will comment on some talk radio hosts - at the big, powerful talk radio station which we shall not name. I became "hooked" on talk radio several years ago since it can be a great entertainment in addition to being a good source of tons of information - not readily available from other sources. 

    As one listens to the radio talk hosts for an extended period of time - many of their characters' features become obvious - even if they would not want to "advertise" them if they could.

    While it's good to mention something personal to the listeners - a lot of the radio talk people - love to talk about themselves - way - too much - which in some cases - on some days is - absolutely too excessive - to the point of getting super annoying - to the listeners who may not care all that much about the respective radio personalities' - personal lives. That indulgence in their personal lives' stories - frequently can and does - get on listeners' nerves. 

   Some other radio talk hosts - "sit on the fence" on many important issues as long as they - humanly - can. That also - can be annoying. One can't be "with them" and with "us"- forever. 

   Some other radio hosts are - frequently - irascible. They lose their temper with callers who "get under their skin" which plays right into the aforementioned callers - hands. Some of the callers - call the radio stations - to aggravate the radio talk show hosts. My personal opinion is that - even though the quick-tempered radio hosts may make "an ass" of themselves - on occasion - at least - they don't "play it safe" all the time which can be bothersome - in equal measure.

      Steven Segal - a famous producer/director of many successful action thrillers - who B.T.W. - had a reputation of "a hard-nosed, arrogant type" - among the movie businesspeople - once aptly stated that "anybody who doesn't have any enemies - doesn't have any friends - either."

      In any event - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - a week from today!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023