For this hot, hot, sticky week of Summer 2023 - we will continue to comment upon the local radio talk shows' - hosts - with the disclaimer - however - "Any similarity to the real people - purely - coincidental." As we mentioned before the radio talk genre can be an interesting source of local news as well as a good analysis of the national news.
All the talk show hosts talk a bit about their personal lives as they relate to the issues they cover - however - some of the talkers - get hooked on talking about themselves - as if most of the listening audience - really - gave a "rat's pajama" - once they start overdoing it.
This one talk radio host - we shall not be mentioning his name or the name of the station - loves, loves, loves - to talk about himself when he presents his analysis of current events - he does it - just like the legendary, the youngest U.S. president - to assume the U.S. presidency - Teddy Roosevelt - (only 42 years old when he became the president of the U.S. upon the assassination of Pres. McKinley - who was shot by a crazy anarchist in Buffalo, New York - at the Pan-American Exposition - on Sept. 06 - 1901).
Not to digress too much or get sidetracked - but the anarchists - are not a new phenomenon in the U.S. politics - i.e. - the U.S. Marxists/Leftists/Anarchists recently rioted violently during the Summer of 2020 in Seattle, WA. - after which most of them received "a slap on the wrist" by a Leftist judge in Seattle, WA - while in Washington, D.C. - the Leftist judge (no doubt - whose campaign was financed by a billionaire Socialist - Soros) - was handing out excessive sentences for the Jan. 06 - 2021 rioters - frequently - even exceeding the recommendations of the prosecutors - according to many political commentators expressing the aforementioned comments onto many social media platforms.
In any event - Pres. Teddy Roosevelt' oldest daughter - Alice Roosevelt Wentworth - used to comment that Pres. Teddy Roosevelt "simply loved to give himself tons of publicity - he was a bride at every wedding, a baby at every christening and a corpse at every funeral".
At any rate - everybody will have a cool, pleasant week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!
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