For the first week of August 2023 - while the Summer 2023 continues in a mostly cool - mode - which is great - we shall continue with commenting on some talk radio hosts and their methods. Last week we mentioned that the talk radio hosts have certain followers of the listeners - who sometimes - listen to the multiple hosts but - at times - they call certain hosts - to express their - well established - political opinions. Thus, the people who listen to the talk radio stations get to know the steady callers to the stations - as they easily recognize their voices and opinions - for the most part. The callers come and go - as well as the radio hosts.
Sometimes - the talk radio stations decide on the "overhaul" of their established schedules as well as the hosts. For example - last year - the local, well-known talk radio station - the exact location of which - we shall not mention - changed their line-up in a big way - and got rid of several radio hosts.
In today's warped political climate - the management had to make sure - that all the "getting rid" of frequently - nasty - in their on-air presentations - hosts - had no "racist overtones" of any kind - not matter how awful the aforementioned - radio host - may come off to the listeners who strongly disagree with their one-sided political propaganda. Consequently - all the getting rid of the abrasive and obnoxious - elements - had to be justified by "losing the income" for the station - which is not hard to do - thank God for small favors - (the last comment - editors of this column).
While the aforementioned talk radio station was executing this big overhaul - one of the part-time hosts - strongly espousing his Leftist/Socialist/Marxist - political persuasions - was heavily lobbying to get a full-time position with the station - and for this goal - he was - actively - recruiting his Leftists listeners - so they would "bombard" the management with the appeals for his full-time employment. All those aforementioned, tacky efforts - fell flat on its face with a big thud.
At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every we do every Friday.
Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023
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