The Summer "Romance" - On the Political - Rocks.
The Summer of 2023 was defining in many ways - in terms of political "turbulences" of many sorts. Thus, the customary disclaimer needs to be in place - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental."
As we mentioned before - our county is divided into two opposing factions just like the rest of the U.S.; the "star" city of this county is Blue/Socialist leaning - however - the neighboring counties are Red or strongly leaning Republican Red.
Last Summer 2023 - witnessed massive celebrations of Gay/Transgender Pride - all June 2023 long - nonstop. Nobody - in their right mind is against them - especially if they behave in a socially law-abiding fashion - however - tons of people expressed their views on the social media platforms - to the effect that "it was - way too many of those types of celebrations - cramming them down everybody's throats - just like Juneteenth - a new holiday - a few years ago." They were cramming it down everybody's throat - for sure. Last time we checked - there are no special celebrations for normal - heterosexual people - celebrating their sexuality. Nor should there be."
Not to get sidetracked - but the local talk radio station with their Leftist talk radio host - made - way too much - of an exaggerated "hoopla" over Juneteenth a few years ago. All of that - thank God - fizzled out - so The 4th of July can be celebrated by the whole nation.
Back to the Summer 2023 - during which two local politicians - were extremely visible - hugging and kissing - "kissy, kissy - lovey, dovey" style - all summer long - during the aforementioned Gay/Transgender Pride events: one of those politicians - is currently - on the way out - since being - presently - primaried - out of the 117 U.S. Congress's - House of Representatives; while the other one is just starting her new term after winning the smallest, the puniest of the elective victories. There were numerous posts on the social media platforms - linking those two - romantically - since both are - admittedly - gay.
Long story - short - after the Summer 2023 was gone - so was - evidently - the romance - as it landed "on the rocks" - as it appears. No more "kissy, kissy - lovey dovey" - stuff; what a shame!
In any event - everybody - do - stay with us! Keep checking our website for new, hot entries!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023