Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Dec. 01- 2023 through Dec. 08 - 2023

                              The Summer "Romance" - On the Political - Rocks. 

       The Summer of 2023 was defining in many ways - in terms of political "turbulences" of many sorts. Thus, the customary disclaimer needs to be in place - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental."

      As we mentioned before - our county is divided into two opposing factions just like the rest of the U.S.; the "star" city of this county is Blue/Socialist leaning - however - the neighboring counties are Red or strongly leaning Republican Red.

     Last Summer 2023 - witnessed massive celebrations of Gay/Transgender Pride - all June 2023 long - nonstop. Nobody - in their right mind is against them - especially if they behave in a socially law-abiding fashion - however - tons of people expressed their views on the social media platforms - to the effect that "it was - way too many of those types of celebrations - cramming them down everybody's throats - just like Juneteenth - a new holiday - a few years ago." They were cramming it down everybody's throat - for sure. Last time we checked - there are no special celebrations for normal - heterosexual people - celebrating their sexuality. Nor should there be."

      Not to get sidetracked - but the local talk radio station with their Leftist talk radio host - made - way too much - of an exaggerated "hoopla" over Juneteenth a few years ago. All of that - thank God - fizzled out - so The 4th of July can be celebrated by the whole nation. 

      Back to the Summer 2023 - during which two local politicians - were extremely visible - hugging and kissing - "kissy, kissy - lovey, dovey" style - all summer long - during the aforementioned Gay/Transgender Pride events: one of those politicians - is currently - on the way out - since being - presently - primaried - out of the 117 U.S. Congress's - House of Representatives; while the other one is just starting her new term after winning the smallest, the puniest of the elective victories. There were numerous posts on the social media platforms - linking those two - romantically - since both are - admittedly - gay.

     Long story - short - after the Summer 2023 was gone - so was - evidently - the romance - as it landed "on the rocks" - as it appears. No more "kissy, kissy - lovey dovey" - stuff; what a shame!

    In any event - everybody - do - stay with us! Keep checking our website for new, hot entries!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023 till Fri. Dec. 01 - 2023!

                          Sometimes a Children's Fairy Tale - Explains the Current Political Situation

        We shall start with our regular disclaimer - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental".         

        To give our readers an example of a divided electorate - earlier this year - the Socialist representative of this area - which is not supported by - at least - a half of her constituents - was attempting to ingratiate herself with an older lady - her constituent - who is very much opposed to Socialism; the representative smiled her big, obligatory, political smile - at her older constituent. It was taking place during the Chinese New Year's celebrations - earlier this year.

                  To her credit - the constituent who doesn't support the representative in question - didn't say anything like "I hate your Socialist kind - since I witnessed what you did in China" - that was what she told me - a bit earlier as we watched a magnificent dragons' - parade during that sunny day last February. 

        Instead, the older Chinese constituent - said quickly to the Socialist representative - that she doesn't want to shake hands because of Covid - not that the legislator - attempted it - and anyway - the older constituent continued informing the representative that she will not be voting for her. Then she winked at me, but I didn't wink back - instead I resumed my - imaginary - phone conversation - to be diplomatically ignoring the Leftist representative - in case if I ever encountered her in a situation in which I didn't want to find myself.

      At any rate - we saw a political cartoon - about this new political reality - a while back - which showed - three little pigs (the Socialists) shaking and quivering - as a huge - nasty, scary, disgusting wolf - (The Socialism) - kept shaking to the foundation - a flimsy hut (The U.S.). The caption read - "Be Careful of What You Wish For".

      Anyway - not to get personal or anything like that - but the two of the three - newly elected Socialist representatives - could benefit from losing quite a bit of weight since the TV cameras - which they love so much - adds additional ten pounds to their - weight. The third one is sporting an O.K. figure - but according to tons of posts onto social media platforms - she needs to clean up her language so it would make her political discourse - dignified - rather than her - currently - indulging in usage of profanities during her public appearances. 

     Everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - in a few days.

     Copyright@ L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Third Thanksgiving 2023 - Special - from Fri. Nov. 17* - 2023 till Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023!

           We shall continue a bit with the topic we touched upon in our last Commentary of the Week - Thanksgiving 2023 - Special II - which we posted a few days ago and which has received many excellent responses. To refresh your memory, we commented upon a local representative to the 117th U.S. Congress's - lower chamber - the House of Representatives. Our disclaimer stands in place - "Any similarity to real people - are purely - coincidental". 

       At any rate - the aforementioned representative - according to many political commentators' opinions posted on various social media platforms - does not represent more than half of her constituents' - vital interest. Thus, the political movement of big size is "afoot" to primary her quickly and elect another representative who - for now - appears - much better. We shall see. So far, the movement is surging ahead - full speed.

       It's worth noting that during the last June 2023 - the representative whom we are profiling - who is - hopefully - on her way out - quickly - did participate in every "gay/transgender" type of event - "known to mankind" - here - locally. (It's not that we exaggerate or anything like that). There were several posts on several big platforms - informing the public that she is gay - indeed. Not that there is anything wrong with that - at all. She could have been gay and an excellent legislator. However - that's not the case. She is a lousy legislator to more than half of her constituents.

      Speaking about the June 2023 with its tons of various celebrations of "gay/transgender" pride - many posts onto the various social media platforms stated that "it was way too many of those celebrations as if - they are cramming them - down everybody's throats." B.T.W. - the same types of comments were expressed when the suddenly - new holiday "Juneteenth" - a few years ago - was hyped to the excess - "down everybody's throat" - again - according to many such comments posted on many social media platforms. Thankfully - all that "fizzled out". July 4th is a national holiday celebrated by most of the U.S. population. Not to get sidetracked - or anything like that.

      In any event - it was good when June 2023 - finally - ended. 

      Wishing everybody a terrific, fun and healthy - Thanksgiving 2023!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023


Monday, November 20, 2023

Second Thanksgiving 2023 - Special - from Fri. Nov. 17* - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023!

                       All Is Fair in Love and War - but also in Politics - which is Usually - Local!

        We shall start with our standard disclaimer which reads - "Any similarity to real people - are purely coincidental".

        At any rate - our city had primary elections in May 2023 in which a female candidate - barely won - she is a young Socialist with numerous tattoos and a ring in her nose - who - subsequently - denounced her previous affiliation to reiterate strongly - that she is a Democrat. Really? She won a minimal primary victory - certainly far from winning any kind of any political mandate. 

       On her victory night - another local Socialist who openly professes her Leftist/Progressive/Socialist political affiliation as she - allegedly - serves her constituents - in the 117th U.S.Congress's - House of Representatives - kept hugging strongly the new winner; the congressional representative kept  screaming - presumably - to celebrate - the new winner's political victory - however - the representatve's speech was - evidently - directed at her own constituents - since the aforementioned speech - which was laced with her pronounced lisp - was screaming rather than speaking; most of her constituents - as we mentioned before - claim that she does not represents them properly at all; and b.t.w - she should fix that lisp - using speech theraphy - taking into consideration how much she gets paid from the constituents in renumeration and in many generous - benefits. 

       Here is what she screamed at her constituents during that night of May 2023 - primaries: "all you - haters - we won - all you - haters - we won!" - a classy political speech - worthy of a U.S. congressional representative - no doubt about it!

       Lo and behold - a few months later - however - the original winner who denies that she is a Socialist - absolutely avoids in any manner - that openly - Socialist member of the 117th U.S. Congress's - House of Representatives - since - evidently - now - that congressional representative is a big "political liability" since she - currently - has a formidable political rival - a savvy candidate who will - successfully - primary that screaming Socialist with a lisp - out of the U.S. House of Representatives - of 117th U.S. Congress. The screaming representative's political opponent is getting tons of momentum and support of every kind!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Asociates 2023


Friday, November 17, 2023

A Commentary of the Week - Extra Thanksgiving 2023 - Edition - from Fri. Nov. 17 - till Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023!

             We will comment on some political headlines which caused a lot of sensational comments - due to the memorable global events taking place in October 2023 and November 2023 - respectively. Thus - the Israeli declaration of all-out war - with the terroristic political organization Hamas - the ruling body of the city of Gaza - took place on Oct. 07 - 2023 - following the Hamas's - incursion into Israel from the city of Gaza - on Sat. Oct. 07 - 2023. 

       The aforementioned - Hamas's terrorists - incursion into the state of Israel and subsequent massacre of 1200 Israelis - mostly civilians - on Sat. Oct. 07 - 2023 - caused many different political factions in the U.S. and abroad to "show their true (political/anti-Semitic) colors".

      Almost all the members of the "Squad" - a small group of the U.S. 117th Congress's House of Representatives' - Democratic representatives - who openly profess their Socialist/Progressive/Leftist - political slant - attempted to "justify" Hamas's terroristic activities - which the President Biden's administration - didn't "take lightly" - at all.

     On Oct. 11 - 2023 - President Biden's Press Secretary - Karine Jean-Pierre (translated - Karen John-Peter) - torches the "Squad" members of the 117th Congress of the U.S House of Representatives' - "Hamas's Excuses" - as "repugnant and despicable". 

      At any rate - Happy Thanksgiving 2023 - everybody!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A Special Edition of Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 10* - through Fri. Nov.17* - 2023 - U.S. Congress Rep. from Michigan - Rashida Tlaib - Censored by her Colleagues!

          Twenty Democratic reps of the U.S. House of Representatives - the lower chamber - of the U.S. Congress - joined almost all of their Republican colleagues - as they voted on Thurs. Nov. 09 - 2023 - to censure U.S. Congress's Democratic rep. Rashida Tlaib; the only Republican who voted against it - was a Republican Rep. Massey from Kentucky - who usually "stands out like a sore thumb" - according to many of his Republican "co-workers"; anyway - as we mentioned above - on Thurs. Nov. 09 - 2023 - the U.S. House of Representatives voted to censure - Rep. Rashida Tlaib - in another words - they voted to slap in the face - their - Congressional colleague - a Democrat/Socialist/Leftist - a U.S. congressional Squad - Member - Rashida Tlaib from Michigan - described by many commentators on various social media - platforms - as the most virulent and hateful - anti-Israel, anti-Jewish - anti-Semite - in history of the U.S. legislature.

      They were generous in not taking away her congressional committees' - assignments - the way they did when they censured - another U.S. Congressional rep. - the Republican - Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia - a few years ago. Still - a censure is a big slap in the face - since only 20 U.S. legislators - were censored - to wit.

      With our usual disclaimer in place that - "Any similarity to real people - is - purely - coincidental" - we assure our readers that we have - here - in our town - also - a lot of local, anti-Semites - mini local celebrities of sorts - who love to "spew their anti-Semitic, cockamamie conspiracy theories - which always end up in hating on Israel, Jewish Americans and Jews - in general"; they use the talk radio platform - thus they can attract the haters like themselves - "to crawl out from the woodwork" - in order to spew their hostile political propaganda - galore - since they quote some writers who always write - for money - "fiction" - which - of course - fits - the narrative of the "conspiracies' advocates" -  fiction which masquerades  as "non-fiction".

      At any rate - stay tuned for some more "profiles" of various political - pseudo - "folk heroes" of various sorts!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - Extra Commentary - Elections Nov. 07 - 2023 - Special!

            For this special Commentary of the Week - we shall comment a bit upon the results/consequences - of the recently held Elections (Nov. 07 - 2023) in the Allegheny County in which Pittsburgh, Pa. - a famous, hilly city - occupies a central place. Pittsburgh - according to many political comments on the Twitter, YouTube platforms - among many others - "is shot through" with the Leftists/Socialists/Progressives - politicians - who couldn't get their own Leftist/Progressive/Woke - political platform - because many voters distrust them - therefore - they took over the regular Democratic party which causes a big - temporary split in the party; however - many political analysts - are sure that the Woke political movement is toxic, temporary and it's - already - well on the way out - like any other temporary, political, phony - "fad".

       Outside of Pittsburgh - the suburbs and neighboring counties are not "taken over" by any Leftists/Socialists/Progressives - who - by the way - ruined many cities like San Francisco, Chicago and others - according to many political commentators who post their political comments of that sort - onto many political platforms. Similar political phenomenon - takes place in the city of Philadelphia versus its surrounding suburbs.

      Back to Allegheny County - in which the city of Pittsburgh's voters - of the Leftist/Socialist - political preference - barely managed to elect/squeeze through - to a position of a new County Executive - who makes business decisions involving $3 billion dollars per year - a 37-year-old - Progressive/Socialist - who barely got enough votes to win - and while she swears up and down - for now - that she is a "normal" Democrat - she can't be trusted - according to two political commentators/well-known local talk radio announcers. She can't change her "leopard's spots" of a Leftist/Socialist - according to the same, two well-known - Pittsburgh's talk radio announcers/savvy political commentators. 

      They further add that "they can't trust anybody with a nose ring and a big tattoo". To their credit - they didn't mention the "overbite" of her teeth - Hillary Clinton's - style. Since the "politicos" love to be in front of all sorts of cameras - they have to pay the price of notoriety - which can be exacting.

     At any rate - stay tuned everybody! We will continue with our profiles of local and national "politicos".

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 22 - 2023!

         For this cold, crisp - almost - early winter week - we shall continue a bit with some "local mini celebrities" who - at times - become a big embarrassment to this area in front of the national audiences. We need to mention - first - a "real political celebrity" who - according to a comment by the local talk radio announcer - made on Nov. 02 - 2023 -"Spews idiotic non-sense"; he is referring to our U.S. Vice-President - Kamala Harris - "spewing idiotic nonsense - galore - in claiming that as a result of the recent Mideastern conflict - the U.S. Moslems face a large uptick in persecution". The local talk radio announcer further maintained that - contrary to Vice-President's Harris's asinine statistics - the American Jews with their number being - statistically - much lower than that of the U.S. Moslems - have - recently - suffered 400% increase in hate crime related - incidents. 

      We will - of course - insert our disclaimer - as every week - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental." 

      So that's how the big time, national political celebrity is making an idiot of herself - according to the aforementioned - well known announcer for the local talk radio station - as well as - according to many comments of that nature about her - posted on multitudes of social media platforms. 

       There is no shortage of the "local mini celebrities" - here - as well - who are also - making themselves look idiotic - on many occasions - according to tons of such comments expressed on various social media platforms. So here it goes: A few months ago, a local "mini celebrity" who loves to be in front of any camera - for some unknown reasons - donned a bright, red-colored - truly idiotic looking costume - complete with a red hat matching the rest of the shining, sparkling, crimson colored - completion of his - attire; long story short - the outfit looked ridiculous in its presentation - according to the numerous opinions/critiques of the program.

     The same commentators who weighed in - upon his bright red wardrobe that day - speculate that his crimson attire in front of the cameras on that day - signify his strong political affinity for Marxism/Socialism which has always used the red color to symbolize its various political and otherwise significant - activities of many kinds.

    Stay tuned for more colorful profiles - have a super good - new week - everybody!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 08 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023!

        For this cold, windy, blistery week of the early winter 2023 - we shall comment upon a U.S. Congressional Rep. - Summer Lee - whose U.S. Congressional district Pa. 12 - includes Pittsburgh's - Squirrel Hill - 15217 - heavily Jewish part of Pittsburgh, Pa. where a few years ago - on Oct. 27 - 2018 - 11 Jewish worshippers were gunned down in a Tree of Life Jewish Temple - where they came to worship on that Saturday morning.

     Before we continue our comments re: the aforementioned U.S. Congressional district Pa. 12 - allegedly - represented by a Leftist/Socialist - Summer Lee - we need to mention that we shall be profiling various local "types" who aspire to be famous - on the order of a woman we mentioned last time - who obsessively calls all the local talk radio hosts - most of whom - either ignore her persistent calls to the stations or politely dismiss her - pursuant to a brief, obligatory conversation with her - meaning - politely - "get lost". 

       However - as we mentioned before - she never gives up her political anti-Semitic verbal venom - especially in view of the fact that one of the local talk radio hosts - shares her Leftist/Socialist political agenda which always includes an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish - planks. The aforementioned woman/obsessive caller to the local talk radio - for sure - has "sharpened her claws and fangs" since it's a Halloween 2023 - season.

      At the present time - however - when the Mideast Israel/Hamas conflict plays out - millions of decent people who abhor the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - political propaganda - also make their political agendas and voices - known.

     In any event - while our legal disclaimer is in force which reads - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances are - purely coincidental" - we shall continue our comments about Summer Lee - a U.S. Congressional rep. from Pa. 12 - U.S. Congressional district. 

     On Mon. Oct. 30 - 2023 - during the morning radio show hosted by a nationally and internationally famous - radio personality - Hugh Hewitt who has 75 U.S and foreign radio stations in his syndication - thus reaching - at least - easily - 50 million listeners - severely criticized Summer Lee's Leftist political agenda which comprises her anti-Semitic/anti-Israel - political positions. Moreover - his guest that morning - Selena Zito - a Western Pennsylvania resident - a constituent of Summer Lee - also "blistered" Summer Lee's anti-Semitic political stances. In addition - Selena Zito who is a respected political commentator for Wall Street Journal, Washington Examiner as well as The New York Post - newspapers - applauded the fact that Summer Lee's - is being "primaried" by a formidable political opponent - who will get tons of Squirrel Hill 15217 - Pittsburgh's - support of every kind - no doubt about it and even if they might not - immediately - succeed - Summer Lee is extremely distrusted and disliked by most of her constituents in Pa. 12 - U.S. Congressional district. 

    Stay tuned everybody - we have some other colorful, local "mini celebrities" - to profile!

   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024