We shall continue a bit with the topic we touched upon in our last Commentary of the Week - Thanksgiving 2023 - Special II - which we posted a few days ago and which has received many excellent responses. To refresh your memory, we commented upon a local representative to the 117th U.S. Congress's - lower chamber - the House of Representatives. Our disclaimer stands in place - "Any similarity to real people - are purely - coincidental".
At any rate - the aforementioned representative - according to many political commentators' opinions posted on various social media platforms - does not represent more than half of her constituents' - vital interest. Thus, the political movement of big size is "afoot" to primary her quickly and elect another representative who - for now - appears - much better. We shall see. So far, the movement is surging ahead - full speed.
It's worth noting that during the last June 2023 - the representative whom we are profiling - who is - hopefully - on her way out - quickly - did participate in every "gay/transgender" type of event - "known to mankind" - here - locally. (It's not that we exaggerate or anything like that). There were several posts on several big platforms - informing the public that she is gay - indeed. Not that there is anything wrong with that - at all. She could have been gay and an excellent legislator. However - that's not the case. She is a lousy legislator to more than half of her constituents.
Speaking about the June 2023 with its tons of various celebrations of "gay/transgender" pride - many posts onto the various social media platforms stated that "it was way too many of those celebrations as if - they are cramming them - down everybody's throats." B.T.W. - the same types of comments were expressed when the suddenly - new holiday "Juneteenth" - a few years ago - was hyped to the excess - "down everybody's throat" - again - according to many such comments posted on many social media platforms. Thankfully - all that "fizzled out". July 4th is a national holiday celebrated by most of the U.S. population. Not to get sidetracked - or anything like that.
In any event - it was good when June 2023 - finally - ended.
Wishing everybody a terrific, fun and healthy - Thanksgiving 2023!
Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023
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