Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 19 - 2024 through Fri. Jan. 26 - 2024!

                      Paul Anka's - Mini "Payback" to Another Superstar - Chuck Berry

      For this frigid, freezing but laced with snow - week - in our hilly area - we shall comment upon the recent recollection of an incident which an aged superstar - Paul Anka - (who still looks and sounds great) related - about another famous musical legend - idolized by the Beetles - Chuck Berry - during Paul Anka's recent, sellout concert in Las Vegas.

     Paul Anka told the audience about a short incident which happened when he was still struggling to publicize his beautiful songs while Chuck Berry was an already established superstar - idolized by the Beetles and other famous musicians of that time. Anyway - according to Paul Anka - after he and his accompanist performed his famous super hit "Diana" to Chuck Berry - before it quickly became the mega hit in the U.S. and all over the world - Chuck Berry - allegedly - told the very young Paul Anka (an aspiring musical star with a subsequent, long lasting musical career to his credit) that "he hates 'Diana' and Paul Anka should 'shove it where the sun don't shine'''.

     Shortly after that incident - however - the song "Diana" became an all time - musical hit in the U.S. and all over the world - which made a youthful Paul Anka - a "household name" - famous - for the long time to come.

     In any event - Chuck Berry - subsequently - apologized to Paul Anka for this sort of treatment. Paul Anka - reportedly - accepted the aforementioned apology with an air of "no big deal - we shall both forget about it". It was a magnanimous gesture on his part - no doubt - while most people would - probably - opt to suggest that Mr. Berry places his apology - in the same place - "where the sun don't shine".            Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


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