Friday, July 12, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 12 - 2024 through Fri. Jul. 19 - 2024!

                     Joe Biden's News Conference on Thurs. Jul. 11 - 2024 - "Didn't Stop the Bleeding" - According to Several Such Headlines - posted onto the social media - platforms.

      A big radio station announced on the internet that "they had to edit the aforementioned News Conference - making pres. Biden's answers - clearer - to the U.S. voters".

      As the smart folk proverb states - "three times is the trick" - unfortunately - it will not apply to pres. Joseph Biden - since to wit - as of Jul. 12the - 2024 - that is - there are more calls from the Dems and others - for him to step down.

      Not to state anything derogatory or overly critical - but pres. Biden's - "presidential whisper" in which he engages when pressed for hard answers - sounds ridiculous.

      At any rate - there is a question of large funds which pres. Biden would need to transfer to another Democratic contender as well as the "pledged" delegates which will need to be "released" - also at the Democratic National Convention - or before - while the aforementioned Democratic National Convention - is looming large and unsettling in Chicago - August 19th till August 22 - 2024 - held in a huge United Center - with thousands of delegates - well insulated - inside. 

     Everybody remembers a violent and unruly Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968 - to be avoided by all costs. 

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

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