Thursday, August 29, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 30 - 2024 till Fri. Sept. 07 - 2024!

                                  Tulsi Gabbard - an ex-Congressional Rep from Hawaii Totally "Smokes" Kamala Harris's - Failed Presidential Campaign in her 2019 - Presidential Bid which Flopped - Big!

      Kamala Harris launched her presidential "efforts" in a presidential campaign in 2019 in which she didn't get any primary voters to vote for her. During her - memorable - group debate portion - during that campaign - she famously - called pres. Biden a "racist"; nevertheless - he - later - in 2020 - offered her a position of the vice-president. 

      At any rate - during that 2019 disastrous presidential campaign by Kamala Harris - which flopped big time - the final nail into the "coffin of the aforementioned presidential bid" was Tulsi Gabbard - an ex-Congressional rep from Hawaii - who in the YouTube video - which garnered millions of views - totally - verbally - politically - "destroyed" - Kamala Harris's - chances. Shortly after this video went super viral on YouTube - Kamala Harris announced that she will quit her presidential campaign of 2019.

     Thus, Kamala Harris ended her failed presidential bid in 2019 - since the big donors refused to fund her campaign.

     However - that was not the case this year - 2024. Ms. Harris still never got any voters - votes - but - pres. Biden - "appointed" her to the U.S. presidential candidacy; Pres. Biden was forced to renounce his plans to continue his next presidential cadence - due to his disastrous presidential debate with ex-pres. Trump.

    Some commentators postulate that pres. Biden did his "anointing" of Harris - again - without voting for her - was to "spite" the members of his own party who pressured him to resign from the next term.

     In the meantime - Kamala - Harris - still - has never gotten any votes from the general electorate. Her California Leftists followers - don't count so much - as far as the general electorate is concerned. However - since she is "entitled" to the vast election funds which were appropriated to pres. Biden by the big donors - she doesn't have to worry about the big donors so much. Why she and gov. Walz (the extreme Leftist governor of Minnesota whom she chose to be the vice-president) - are - still - shamelessly - soliciting funds (we won't say 'begging' or anything like that) - all over YouTube - is not quite clear.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 23 - 2024 through Fri. Aug. 30 - 2024!

           The California Political Insider - Larry Elder Gives a Few Comments about Kamala Harris.

          For this busy week of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago's - huge United Center - during which Kamala Harris - U.S. vice-president for pres. Biden (who appears old and weak) we shall quote Larry Elder - a political commentator/insider from California - re: Kamala Harris's - political career.

        Pres. Joe Biden has 'coronated' - Kamala Harris to be his successor - pursuant to pres. Biden being strongly pressured to resign - by his own party - the idea he opposed as long as it was - humanly - possible. However - subsequent to pres. Biden's - totally disastrous - national debate on Jun. 27 - 2024 - in which Donald Trump - the ex-president - nominated by the Republican party to be a presidential candidate - again - "totally decimated" pres. Biden in front of the U.S. and the whole world.

       At any rate - for now - Kamala Harris - has a momentum following the Democratic National Convention - ending - Aug. 22 - 2024 - with her televised acceptance speech given - to all of the U.S. people as well as people abroad.

      In the interim - the barrage of the well-deserved criticisms of her past - Radical/Socialist/Liberal - often disastrous - California legislatures - which she championed in her native state of California - comes to confront her. She has a lot of political "baggage" of every kind - to overcome. The national electorate is far from being her past political "playground" of California's - Leftist/Socialist/Liberal - politics.

     To illustrate the comments mentioned above - we will refer to the California's famous political commentator Larry Elder - who has a huge talk radio syndication through which he broadcasts his - 2 hours long - talk radio show - nightly. 

     On Aug. 21 - 2024 he had an interesting interview with a young Black woman/voter. He asked her opinion regarding Kamala Harris - to which the aforementioned Black voter said that neither she nor her family plus friends - as well as all their friends with their families - intend to vote for Kamala Harris - due to her past political activities in California - as well as her Leftist/Socialist politics - as a vice-president for pres. Joe Biden.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 16 - 2024 through Fri. Aug. 23 - 2024!

                                 The Statistics Quoted from Washington Post Newspaper on Aug. 15 - 2024 - During Hugh Hewitt's - Daily Syndicated Talk Radio Show - Need to Be Spread by Leftist Leaning Mainstream Media.

         During his daily talk radio show on Thurs. Aug. 15 - 2024 - Hugh Hewitt quoted an article from Washington Post which is a Leftist leaning establishment - which states - in a nutshell - that the Elections in 2020 stats' - had wrong numbers. Most of the swing states (which have decided the elections - as always) - had the numbers undercounted - for ex-pres. Trump - about 4 per cent - to favor Joe Biden's candidacy - with only one swing state - posting the stats - overcounted for ex-pres. Trump - in favor of ex- pres. Trump - overcounting ab. 6 percent.

        Thus - all the people who claim that the ex-pres. Trump - "lies" about the presidential elections - should read the article quoted by Hugh Hewitt from Washington Post - regarding the elections; the aforementioned article was quoted by Hugh Hewitt - again - on Thurs. Aug. 15 - 2024 - during his daily - nationally syndicated - radio show. 

       Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 09 - 2024 till Fri. Aug. 16 - 2024!

                                  Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz - Lies about His - National Guard - Service and about him   Carrying Weapons - which He Never Did - According to many such Internet Comments.

        A lot of political commentaries posted onto various social media platforms inform the general public - ready to vote in Nov. 05 - 2024 - general presidential elections - about various lies, distortions and exaggerations - put forth by the - newly minted - presidential/vice-presidential duo - Harris/Walz - the duo strongly vying for the votes - which they may not get.

      1. The drunk driving arrest of gov. Walz indicates alcohol intoxication in excess of 1% and a half percent % - of alcohol - tested - high intoxication - indeed.

      2. His frequent/multiple visits to China with his enthusiastic, laudatory comments - issued - subsequently - by him upon his return to the U.S. - indicates his fondness for Marxist style - Communist political system.

      3. His handling of the Marxist thugs' - rioting and burning Minneapolis to the tune of half a billion dollars of damages - during the George Floyd riots of 2020 - with the damages - mainly - inflicted upon the minority businesses - further indicates his Leftist/Marxist political inclinations. He - reportedly - justified the rioters' abhorrent, violent actions as "angry expressions" - really? - then the January 6 - 2021 rioters are also entitled to such a justification - at least they have not burned down the city - with the damages worth a half a billion dollars.

     Copyright@ L.S. Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 02 - 2024 till Fri. Aug. 09 - 2024!

                                      WGN - 720 Am - Chicago's Top Talk Radio Insider - Lisa Dent - A Host of 2pm till 6pm - A Popular Home Drive - Talk Radio Shift - Gives Us Tips on WGN - 720 Am - Top Notch - Weekends' Programming!

         To make a long story short - in a nutshell - many listeners in a smaller than Chicago's Talk Radio Market - which is huge and popular - are happy to listen to WGN - 720 Am - for a change - during the weekends. 

        Since the smaller talk radio markets - frequently - offer the weekends which are repetitious, boring and predictable - with the same sorts of compulsive/obsessive, one sided - callers - calling the station - ad nauseum - to spew their tired political propaganda - our Chicago talk radio's favorite insider - Lisa Dent - who has been successfuly hosting a Mon. thru Fri. - 2pm till 6pm - WGN 720 Am - radio shift - highly recommends an exciting "change of scenery" in talk radio's weekends' - offerings.

       On Saturdays - 5pm till 8pm - WGN's Am 720 - Peter Greenberg - does an interesting travel segment which is equally enticing to listen to - for travelers or those planning to travel - which is most of us.

       On Sundays - 5pm till 7pm - WGN's Am 720 -  Rick Kogan - a famous Chicago radio personality gives everybody a "glimpse" into the past week's important happenings in Chicago.

      On Sundays - 7pm till 9pm - however - WGN Am 720 offers - a real treat for the radio "afficionados" - namely - Carl Amari - a prominent talk radio host who spent years - licensing classic radio broadcasts from 1930's, 1940's and 1950's - presents the most famous - radio broadcasts of many kinds - which garnered popularity with the listeners, radio producers and other "experts" - on radio magic which attracts tons of radio listeners of all kinds.

           Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025