Thursday, August 8, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 09 - 2024 till Fri. Aug. 16 - 2024!

                                  Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz - Lies about His - National Guard - Service and about him   Carrying Weapons - which He Never Did - According to many such Internet Comments.

        A lot of political commentaries posted onto various social media platforms inform the general public - ready to vote in Nov. 05 - 2024 - general presidential elections - about various lies, distortions and exaggerations - put forth by the - newly minted - presidential/vice-presidential duo - Harris/Walz - the duo strongly vying for the votes - which they may not get.

      1. The drunk driving arrest of gov. Walz indicates alcohol intoxication in excess of 1% and a half percent % - of alcohol - tested - high intoxication - indeed.

      2. His frequent/multiple visits to China with his enthusiastic, laudatory comments - issued - subsequently - by him upon his return to the U.S. - indicates his fondness for Marxist style - Communist political system.

      3. His handling of the Marxist thugs' - rioting and burning Minneapolis to the tune of half a billion dollars of damages - during the George Floyd riots of 2020 - with the damages - mainly - inflicted upon the minority businesses - further indicates his Leftist/Marxist political inclinations. He - reportedly - justified the rioters' abhorrent, violent actions as "angry expressions" - really? - then the January 6 - 2021 rioters are also entitled to such a justification - at least they have not burned down the city - with the damages worth a half a billion dollars.

     Copyright@ L.S. Hadley and Associates 2024

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