Thursday, October 3, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 04 - 2024 till Fri. Oct. 11 - 2024

                  Mary Rooke Publishes a Fantastic Article - Online - on Oct. 01-2024 Titled: "Four Horsemen of Kamala's Harris's Political Campaign's 2024 - Apocalypse - Have Arrived".

         Mary Rooke lists four political factors which - according to her political research - will "effectively - bury - Kamala Harris's political campaign of 2024". Ms. Rooke lists the following four conditions - according to her vast research.

         1. The conservative news outlets - "beat the drum loudly" - concerning Biden/Harris's Administration's - depleting the FEMA funds - which they spent on the illegals - entering the U.S. - thus Kamala Harris's current Biden/Harris Administration - could only come up with $750.00 a piece - for the people who suffered from the ravages of hurricane Helene - 2024. 

        2. Biden/Harris's Administration's slowness in acknowledging the vast destruction of hurricane Helene in Florida, Tennessee, Georgia and both Carolinas - will make the voters - remember that at the voting booths - they - normally have a "long memory" about those sorts of political missteps. Evidently - according to Ms. Rooke - Kamala Harris had important fundraisers to attend in California - which took the precedence over the destruction of hurricane Helene.

       3. Illegal immigration flooding all the states of the U.S. - with many resources re-directed from the needy U.S. citizens - towards the illegals (New York city - recently - evicted the U.S. veterans to make space for the illegals) - is a big, heavy "albatross" around Harris/Biden's political campaign's 2024 - neck.

       4. Finally - the vice-presidential debate - which turned out to be a "total debacle" for Gov. Tim Walz - according to Mary Rooke - puts a final "nail" into Biden/Harris political aspirations for 2024.

       Important Note: 

     As of Oct. 03 - 2024 - tentative agreement between the major U.S. ports' - management - and the Longshoremen Union - was reached - so the further negotiations will be postponed until Jan. 2025.

    It needs to be noted that the four Horsemen of Apocalypse's - prophesy - according to apostle John's prophecy in a Book of Apocalypse - in the New Testament - went as follows: At the end of times - as we know it - before God judges everybody - so the New Times - can ensue - the following events shall take place; the first Horseman on a white horse - shall arrive - it signifies - the global conquest. The second Horseman on a red horse - brings the war to the Earth. The third Horseman - on a black colored horse - unleashes famine on the population. Finally - the fourth Horseman on a pale/green horse - brings - universal - death to all.

      What's interesting is that in the Old Testament - the prophets Zechariah and prophet Ezekiel - record similar visions of the events signifying - the end of times on Earth.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

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