Friday, February 28, 2025

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 28 - 2025 till Fri. March 07 - 2025!

                  Meltdown in the Oval Office.

      The title above is that of the new 12 minutes long YouTube video - posted by Hugh Hewitt (a big star of talk radio syndications - with his nightly 3 hour long - radio show - reaching 500 U.S. radio stations). He also has a YouTube channel - rapidly gaining in popularity and in the numbers of the subscribers. Anyway - Hewitt - published a post - on YT platform - on Feb. 28 - 2025 which is 12 minutes long, but it goes fast since Hugh Hewitt is an enormously erudite and well spoken - ex-law school professor/ host of that channel. 

      At any rate - the conference on Feb. 28 - 2025 - ended in the top leader of Ukraine - Volodymyr Zelensky - being asked to leave the White House. Mr. Zelensky's and the U.S. president Mr. Trump's discussion - got "out of hand" and Zelensky was asked to leave - for now - however - pres. Trump has already indicated that the future meeting - will take place.

      In a nutshell - Hugh Hewitt is criticizing Ukraine's president - Volodymyr Zelensky - who "mouthed off" and was acting "smart Alecky" - with President Trump who is - currently - attempting to negotiate with Russian dictator - Putin - to end the war which killed a quarter million people - on each side of this conflict. Maybe the time is right for negotiations and diplomacy - which always ends all wars - anyway.

      However - there was a justified criticism - as well - of the vice-president J.D. Vance's - conduct - during the aforementioned, memorable White House conference - who started to lecture Volodymyr Zelensky - the independent country's - leader - about the American help towards the Ukrainians - which is - extremely - expensive to the U.S. - taxpayers. Still - the vice-president - does not get to lecture a legitimately elected leader of another country.

      In any event - everybody will have a good month of March 2025 - which is almost here.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025

Friday, February 21, 2025

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 21 - 2025 till Fri. Feb. 28 - 2025!

                              AOC On Trial

        The title above - is that of a hilarious video clip posted on the YT platform on Feb. 19 - 2025 which quickly generated in excess of 16 thousand viewers clicks. It's only 3 minutes long - but it's tremendously - funny. The popular YT website - United Spot - which produced it - currently has 300 thousand (a third of a million) subscribers and it's growing. The producers use a very funny, satirical technique by posting funny voices of the current political and other - celebrities of the day. They also use - cartoons like images of the aforementioned celebrities. The viewers' comments - are extremely critical and ridicule AOC's Woke politics - to the max - as always. She - however - claims that she is immune to all the criticisms - but it's highly doubtful.

      The video we are highlighting for this week - pictures AOC - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a movie star looking, big political celebrity of the Wokes/Socialists/Marxists - voters - who currently represents the 14th Congressional District from New York state - in the 119th U.S. Congress's - House of Representatives.  

      She has a lot of political opposition in her district - still - she keeps being elected - somehow; many political observers say that a lot of the illegals - in her district - vote for her - illegally. 

     The - so far - unsubstantiated rumors swirl around her all the time - about her many semi-legal political or illegal political activities in the U.S. Congress - and even though - they stick to her like chewing gum to the shoe - thus far - she weaseled out - of the major Congressional investigations - in spite of many allegations of her impropriates - coming up to the surface - regularly. However - her luck - may run out - now - that the "new sheriff" - has been installed - in town.

    In any event - this funny video - alleges that AOC - illegally - teaches the deportable illegals - how to avoid the deportations from New York state. She has always - "shrieked" - before - that "nobody is above the law" - thus it's time to apply that to herself - as well.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 14 - 2025 till Fri. Feb. 21 - 2025!

         Vance Just Blasted the EU and the UK Governments to their Faces!

       The title above is that of a new YouTube clip posted on Fri. Feb. 14 - 2025 by Jesus Enrique Rosas - who "smokes" the YouTube with his sensational video clips. This one is 30 minutes long - but it goes fast. It quickly garnered 7,5 thousand viewers clips within a few hours of publishing it. The viewers' comments - simply "blister" the Leftist/Socialist political direction which the Western European countries - currently embrace. The political pendulum will soon swing the other way - no doubt about it.

       Jesus Enrique Rosas - mentions in this video clip that he escaped his native Venezuela when the Communist party - took over the country. The president Maduro calls Venezuela - "a Socialist republic" - however - it's a repressive Communist regime. They say correctly - "if it quacks like a duck - it's a duck".

      Back to the video we are highlighting - Vice-president  J.D.Vance very recently - in fact - on Feb. 14 - 2025 - addressed Munich Security Conference in W. Germany. His speech to the EU and UK - according to many political commentators - posting their comments on many social media platforms - "shoved big doses of well deserved - political criticisms - into the faces of the governments of the U.K. and the E.U." 

      Among the vice-President's Vance's criticisms - the fiercest ones were against suppression of the free speech - if it went against their governments' - statutes - which - recently - have been - richly "infested" with the oppressive Leftist/Socialist political agenda - planks; thus, many people who are capable of leaving their respective - newly oppressive countries - are "voting with their feet" and leaving. It's a hard choice but as a smart person aptly observed - "living on one's knees without freedom - is not a decent life - worth living."

     Copyright@L.S. Hadley and Associates 2025

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 07 - 2025 till Fri. Feb. 14 - 2025 (The Valentine Day 2025)!

      Elizabeth Warren Caught LYING About Receiving Money.

       The title above (the capital letters by Jose Enrique Rosas) - is that of his latest video posted on YouTube platform by Jose Enrique Rosas - who currently has an impressive 700 thousand - subscribers. The aforementioned video was published on Feb. 05 - 2025 and - immediately - garnered upwards of 22 thousand viewers' - clicks. It's only 8 minutes long - snappy and fun - just like all of the Jose Enrique Rosas - YT video clips.

      At any rate - JER - cleverly "spliced" together a very recent, hostile assurance of Elizabeth Warrant - the longtime Leftist senator from the - equally Leftist - state of Massachusetts - as she answered the journalist questioning her receiving the semi-legal funding from the big PAC of contributors. She lied to the journalist - "through her teeth" replying - "that she doesn't accept any PAC's contributions".

     However - the local Massachusetts press - disclosed - very recently - that a huge PAC of contributors - openly - proved that she - indeed - received from them - 14 million dollars - also - recently.  That sort of a sum she could - hardly - forget about receiving - thus she could not make a small "overlooking", forgetful - mistake - to the journalist in question - no way. It had to be a blatant, disgusting lie. Not to get overly dramatic or anything like that. Not at all.

     In any event - the politicians have a way - to legally - "hide" their political contributions in various foundations which - they - can either establish themselves or they can "leach on" - to an existing one. There are a lot of legal "loopholes" to hide their - semi-legally - obtained, rich renumerations - which they might not deserve at all.

     Happy Valentine's Day 2025 - to all!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025