AOC On Trial
The title above - is that of a hilarious video clip posted on the YT platform on Feb. 19 - 2025 which quickly generated in excess of 16 thousand viewers clicks. It's only 3 minutes long - but it's tremendously - funny. The popular YT website - United Spot - which produced it - currently has 300 thousand (a third of a million) subscribers and it's growing. The producers use a very funny, satirical technique by posting funny voices of the current political and other - celebrities of the day. They also use - cartoons like images of the aforementioned celebrities. The viewers' comments - are extremely critical and ridicule AOC's Woke politics - to the max - as always. She - however - claims that she is immune to all the criticisms - but it's highly doubtful.
The video we are highlighting for this week - pictures AOC - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a movie star looking, big political celebrity of the Wokes/Socialists/Marxists - voters - who currently represents the 14th Congressional District from New York state - in the 119th U.S. Congress's - House of Representatives.
She has a lot of political opposition in her district - still - she keeps being elected - somehow; many political observers say that a lot of the illegals - in her district - vote for her - illegally.
The - so far - unsubstantiated rumors swirl around her all the time - about her many semi-legal political or illegal political activities in the U.S. Congress - and even though - they stick to her like chewing gum to the shoe - thus far - she weaseled out - of the major Congressional investigations - in spite of many allegations of her impropriates - coming up to the surface - regularly. However - her luck - may run out - now - that the "new sheriff" - has been installed - in town.
In any event - this funny video - alleges that AOC - illegally - teaches the deportable illegals - how to avoid the deportations from New York state. She has always - "shrieked" - before - that "nobody is above the law" - thus it's time to apply that to herself - as well.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025
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