Thursday, May 27, 2010

Southport Avenue - between Irving Park and Belmont has become a fashionable "she-she-poo-poo" treasure.

         Chicago' neighborhoods change massively and drastically. Southport Ave between Irving Park and Belmont - has undergone a lot of changes in the last fifteen years. The Music Box Theater has always been an attraction for all kinds of movie buffs.
     The various businesses surrounding the Music Box - have also undergone various, big time metamorphoses. The hardware store next to Music Box has had more face lifts than Heidi Montage. The Cullen's Bar and Grill - has expanded massively into the back yard of the building which itself has undergone a number of big structural changes.
      Fifteen years ago the old building numbered 3741 - was run down and had a "vintage" clothing store - like from some kind of "time warp" from the early forties. The address 3741 Southport which that building still displays - the same street number - housed for a few years - a lovely, remodeled bakery/coffee shop/deli - called Lucky Stuffy Baking Company where Ms. Lana Hadley and her partner were grinding fresh flour which produced the most delicious muffins and breads - well known to many prominent Chicagoans.
      That place including the building - was sold again at the profit - and again - extensively renovated by Mr. Cullen who subsequently had a stroke and became semi-invalid. He made tons of money upon selling that building after he bought that dwelling - addressed 3741 Southport. He totally revamped it to open Cullens's Bar and Grill which still enjoys a lasting success while a new, nicely remodeled restaurant called "Blue Bayou" - across the street  -  also rehabbed by Mr Cullen - unfortunately - "bit the dust" and closed after several years.
      The only original restaurant with the same name as fifteen years ago - which lasted the longest - called "Tunes" located close to Southport and Irving Park Ave - also changed hands and changed the name.
        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Everybody aboard a new train at Old Orchard/Westfield Shopping Center /Chicago/Skokie!

         Attention! Attention! Attention! All the children aged from five to a hundred and five - who love to ride a train need to take an eight minute ride around the Old Orchard's Mall - its courtyard - gorgeously big, wide and covered with huge flower pots and flower beds of all the bright colors of coming summer!

       I had a great time with the little kids - since the railroad is "big" for little children but "small" and toy like for the adults. Every car has a different colored design and shape and even though the five cars have an electric engine - Steve Vishnevyski - the owner/operator - manages to blow some steam as he drives the mini railroad cars with the nice, shiny finish where the little kids and the middle-built adults can sit comfortably.

       If you weigh around 300 lbs. - it's definitely not for you - but barring that possibility - the train ride is tons of fun. I have always liked any kind of trains - the sounds (amply provided by Steve), the smells and the total spirit of the strong locomotive taking me to a different place for some adventure. In the Old Orchard Mall - you will - probably - be familiar with its fresh, spring surroundings and spring plants - especially the flowers - but it's exciting and "different" to waive at the shoppers as they smile at the train going by.
       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, May 6, 2010

La Classique Studio - has a super fun, fun, fun event coming up soon!

           If you like to dance the ballroom style - or if you're thinking about starting - if you are an advanced, a beginner or an intermediate dancer - thinking of improving your dancing for exercise, relaxation and making new friends - you need to stop by at La Classique Studio on Tuesday afternoon. The event is called a tea dance which starts at 1pm and ends at 4pm. The studio owner/instructor - Mr Dan Kanosak - a Thai dance champion who successfully competed in numerous European and American dance competitions - teaches private and group lessons.

        Lots of singles of different ages and diverse dance levels like to come. The dance starts at 1 pm - the dance mixer is usually at 2 pm - then Mr. Dan Kanosak teaches a half hour class at 2:30 pm. All this will cost you only $10.00 - for which you get nice refreshments plus coffee or tea are served. In addition - the owner of the studio - an international ballroom dance - champion - Dan Kanosak - teaches a 1/2 hour lesson at around 2:30 pm. What a great, fun-fun-fun way to spend an afternoon.

       The name of the studio is La Classique School of Dance - the location is easy to get to by public transportation or park on the side street - the address: 4146 Elston Ave and Hamlin Ave - Chicago, IL. 60618 - the entrance is on Hamlin - so find Hamlin first - otherwise - the address 4146 Elston - completely does not show on Elston. The beautifully designed small dance hall has been used as a Latvian Cultural Center for a long time and Mr. Kanosak rented the Center from them.
     Mark your calendars - however - for this Saturday Sept. 11 - 2010 at 8 pm till 12 am. It's time for a yearly - fall dance event - like every year. The showcase will start at 9:30 pm. You will have a lot of complimentary Hors d'oeuvres - all that for only $20 dollars.

     Important Note: Mr. Dank Kanosak - a long time Chicago Ballroom Dance Teacher - passed away - suddenly - in the Spring of 2020 - the Spring of Covid-19 - hype and hysteria. He is dancing in Heaven now! Goodbye!
    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023