Saturday, May 15, 2010

Everybody aboard a new train at Old Orchard/Westfield Shopping Center /Chicago/Skokie!

         Attention! Attention! Attention! All the children aged from five to a hundred and five - who love to ride a train need to take an eight minute ride around the Old Orchard's Mall - its courtyard - gorgeously big, wide and covered with huge flower pots and flower beds of all the bright colors of coming summer!

       I had a great time with the little kids - since the railroad is "big" for little children but "small" and toy like for the adults. Every car has a different colored design and shape and even though the five cars have an electric engine - Steve Vishnevyski - the owner/operator - manages to blow some steam as he drives the mini railroad cars with the nice, shiny finish where the little kids and the middle-built adults can sit comfortably.

       If you weigh around 300 lbs. - it's definitely not for you - but barring that possibility - the train ride is tons of fun. I have always liked any kind of trains - the sounds (amply provided by Steve), the smells and the total spirit of the strong locomotive taking me to a different place for some adventure. In the Old Orchard Mall - you will - probably - be familiar with its fresh, spring surroundings and spring plants - especially the flowers - but it's exciting and "different" to waive at the shoppers as they smile at the train going by.
       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

1 comment:

  1. Everybody - go to Old Orchard/Westfield around noon and check out the train! Take some children with you so they have fun as well!
