Thursday, May 27, 2010

Southport Avenue - between Irving Park and Belmont has become a fashionable "she-she-poo-poo" treasure.

         Chicago' neighborhoods change massively and drastically. Southport Ave between Irving Park and Belmont - has undergone a lot of changes in the last fifteen years. The Music Box Theater has always been an attraction for all kinds of movie buffs.
     The various businesses surrounding the Music Box - have also undergone various, big time metamorphoses. The hardware store next to Music Box has had more face lifts than Heidi Montage. The Cullen's Bar and Grill - has expanded massively into the back yard of the building which itself has undergone a number of big structural changes.
      Fifteen years ago the old building numbered 3741 - was run down and had a "vintage" clothing store - like from some kind of "time warp" from the early forties. The address 3741 Southport which that building still displays - the same street number - housed for a few years - a lovely, remodeled bakery/coffee shop/deli - called Lucky Stuffy Baking Company where Ms. Lana Hadley and her partner were grinding fresh flour which produced the most delicious muffins and breads - well known to many prominent Chicagoans.
      That place including the building - was sold again at the profit - and again - extensively renovated by Mr. Cullen who subsequently had a stroke and became semi-invalid. He made tons of money upon selling that building after he bought that dwelling - addressed 3741 Southport. He totally revamped it to open Cullens's Bar and Grill which still enjoys a lasting success while a new, nicely remodeled restaurant called "Blue Bayou" - across the street  -  also rehabbed by Mr Cullen - unfortunately - "bit the dust" and closed after several years.
      The only original restaurant with the same name as fifteen years ago - which lasted the longest - called "Tunes" located close to Southport and Irving Park Ave - also changed hands and changed the name.
        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

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