Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Get ready for Easter 2013 at Saint Benedict Catholic Church - Western/Lawrence area.

         Every Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter - for the last six years - the big, impressive, Cathedral looking - Saint Benedict Church - in the Northern part of Chicago - has an awe-inspiring event which involves a lot of effort from the parishioners, clergy and the neighborhood volunteers from several neighborhood churches.
      When I arrived as a volunteer - to serve the lunch to "the needy" - I expected to see a mixed "bag" of individuals "down on their luck".  I tried to get an idea about what kind of people come for a free meal.
      I asked for some numbers. The tall, wiry gentleman who appeared in charge of the event - who stood outside of the big kitchen - - gave me some data re: the food and the people who come to those events. Tons of turkeys and hams - are donated by various parishioners of three neighborhood churches.
     Inside the huge, nice Saint Ben's kitchen - a big guy with kind eyes - a typical kitchen supervisor - who feeds a lot of people - kept working hard as I asked him about the various side dishes - stuffing and vegetables which were almost ready to serve.  
     Saint Ben's kitchen and huge dining hall in the basement of the three-story Ecumenical Building next to the mini mansion resembling - a Rectory - the Saint Ben Church fed about two hundred people in the basement level.
     They fed another hundred and fifty "needy" and some not so needy - as I noticed - on the first floor. Then - another event organizer told me that ab. hundred and fifty people more - came and left fast - not wanting to sit down and get a small gift raffled off in a lovely manner by tiny parishioners (adorable little children) - helping a lot in an orderly process of reading off the raffle tickets and dispensing small gift packages of the toiletries - made up for visiting "guys and dolls" - in need. 
     All in all - they fed approximately five hundred people - a big meal - consisting of a generous portion of turkey/ham - dressing - three kinds of vegetables - soda - coffee - and pumpkin pie for dessert.
     The volunteers of all ages and backgrounds - like me - kept smiling at the people sitting at the numerous tables - waiting for the meal. The good feelings penetrated easily the whole place in spite of some offensive smells of unwashed bodies of quite a few participants.  
     Some of the people - though - (a very few gentlemen - not the ladies at that event) - had an indifferent, stony look on their faces - as if they wanted to eat their free meal quickly in order to have more time for their God/Alcohol - or another drug - evidently - their reason for living - at the moment.
     Most people eating the free meal - however - appeared kind and appreciative in spite of their hard luck, bad breaks and probably a few wrong choices they made - while negotiating their lives' crucial turns. It felt good to see how they genuinely smiled at the parish's little children and volunteers like me - making them happy - even for a few moments.
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024       

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rogers Park Business Alliance - in Chicago's Rogers Park contributes to everybody in the community.

       Chicago's Rogers Park is a truly democratic cluster. Long time alderman Joe Moore sincerely cares about all his roughly - forty-eight thousand constituents. Even though some members of this community by the glorious Lake Michigan - are the mentally handicapped individuals living in subsidized units of different sizes - most people in his 49th ward are working decent jobs or having a respectable income as they live in some impressive dwellings of all kinds and sizes.
      Rogers Park Business Alliance has had a fun and exciting record of strengthening the cooperation between the business owners and other members of the community. Their computer training courses are a super terrific tool for the community to sharpen their business skills.
     I - personally - really enjoy the business networking breakfasts in local eateries/venues - held every second Wednesday of the month - so the small business owners can "mingle" and network.
     For more info click
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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving - Everybody! We have a lot of blessings to count!

        Chicago's northern suburbs - Wilmette - much warmer place than the rich, formal, stiff - "she-she-poo-poo" Kenilworth - has a great community center called Mallinckrodt Community Center - which has the members - nice older adults (not the old farts - cantankerous, loud and obnoxious - mind you). The pleasant people over fifty years of age and "better" - meaning - older - get together for social "interactions".  None of them are the older, idiotic "cougar" women looking for ridiculously young idiot lovers - or anything insane like that - or rich old farts looking for much younger women.
    The older ladies attending/volunteering at Mallinckrodt Center - are lovely, sweet and pleasure to be around while their magnificent, yearly Thanksgiving dinner is a sumptuous affair with great music and fantastic food.
    The nicest part of their yearly Thanksgiving dinner is the various, international - short - thank God - blessings delivered by the participants.
    Next Thanksgiving - attend this affair when you are in Chicago area. All you have to do is call them with a reservation - two weeks ahead and bring a non-perishable food item for their community food depository.
    Happy Turkey Day - everybody!!!

    Copyright@L.Hadley 2024

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Skokie Library (5215 Oakton St - Skokie, Il 60077) Has a Magnificent Monthly Series of Young, Gifted Performers evey Autumn.

       Last Sunday - Oct. 7 - 2012 - Skokie Library had it's first in the series of the monthly recitals of young talented musicians - namely - The first concert in the - 31st Young Steinway Concert Series - started with the "bang" as the four young performers took the stage in the recitals taking place the first Sunday of the month - Oct. 2012 through June 2013.
     Derek Chung - a fourteen-year-old student of the Long Grove Middle School (a suburb of Chicago) - demonstrated a huge mastery of the piano as he easily played standard concert pieces by Beethoven, Chopin, Mendelsohn, Prokofiev without using the recorded sheet scores. His musical memory must be equal to that of the musical genius.
    We congratulated his music teacher - a slender lady in her late thirties - who - herself could pass for a college student.
   The other three youngsters performed Schubert, Piazzola, Beethoven on the following instruments - Krystian Chiu - cello; Hannah White - violin; Ryan Jannak-Huang - piano.  Their play demonstrated a high level of maturity - even if they used the musical sheets for the advanced compositions they easily performed - flawlessly - in a super harmony.
    The Skokie Library director of events - chose a magnificent repertoire to showcase the super gifted youngsters - she - also - needs to be commanded.  It was a great afternoon - followed by a sumptuous reception - prepared by the parents of the young artists.

Copyright@L.Hadley - 2023

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Old Orchard Mall - Westfield - Skokie, Il 60077 has a sensational Sonoma Williams Store.

   Hey everybody who likes to watch some super fun, fun, fun cooking demos!
   You don't need to like to cook or be one hundred percent "foodie" or any other yuppie freak like that - to enjoy the Sunday morning demonstrations of how to prepare a simple meal - which is nutritious, easy to fix, looks good and "cleans" easy.
    Old Orchard's "Sonoma Williams" store has a terrific inventory of top line cooking utensils, gadgets, decorative cooking "doo-das" which always make nice Hanukka and Christmas gifts.
    In addition - the ladies who work there are tremendously knowledgeable, fun and good instructors.
    If you are not in church or some other gathering of that kind - I can't think of another place which makes you feel good to be with other nice people - like you.
    See you at Sonoma Williams - Sunday morning - 10 Am sharp.  Don't forget to pre-register. Just stop at the store before Sunday and put your name on the list for Sunday. Ask them at the counter for the Sunday list - while you there - buy something for the cook or for yourself.  Don't just come in for a free demo and a free food - of which you don't get a whole lot - anyway.
    Just kidding - see you Sunday morning!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chicago has a terrific rock/indie band named Ode.

  Copyright@L.Hadley - 2025   

         Last Saturday - August 19 - 2012 - during the annual Glenwood Avenue Arts Fest - on Morse and Glenwood Ave - in Chicago's - Rogers Park - the rock band named Ode - gave a fantastic performance.
       The five musicians handled their instruments like true masters/lovers. The listeners could feel the intensity of their music - in an almost tangible way. Real art will intensify the experiences of the recipients. Chicago is full of outstanding talents in every category.
       It was a perfectly lovely afternoon - their music blasted loudly through several streets. Little kids danced and wiggled joyously to the awesome sounds of the band - so did some drunk and stoned residents of Rogers Park standing or sitting next to the well-educated, affluent residents of Rogers Park.
       I tried to listen to the poetic lyrics belted out in a superb manner by the band's vocalist - but the fantastic sounds of their instruments distracted me from the lyrics. Every new piece they played - sounded better than the previous one. If they played forever - I would listen to them forever.
        Notwithstanding the fact that I have been exposed to all kinds of famous celebrities during the many years of my writing about them - this band really hit a big cord with me.
       I swear to you that I will not make fun of any rock musicians' "groupies" - anymore.
   Click immediately on their website - - and either book them or buy their CD - I assure you that you will not be disappointed.
              Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Matter Life Ways Senior Concert - Super Dynamite.

      On July 26 - 2012 - The Mather Lifeways Center located at 3235 Central Ave - Chicago, Il 60634 - held a delightful concert for Seniors and everybody who appreciates the multitalented performers.
      The talented performers do a variety of pieces - from Broadway hits and other famous venues.  The audience enjoyed every piece - so the soloist performers do show a lot of enthusiasm - however the lady who accompanies on the piano needs to be complemented on her mastery of the instrument.  She knows how to make the piano stand out - but never upstages the performers. It's a very hard task to accomplish.
     All the tunes were done well - but "Mack the Knife" eternal hit sounded extra good. All the veteran performers seem to have a great time - performing.  It has to do with lack of pressure to become a "super star" in their advanced respective ages.
    Another good thing about this group is that the they involve the audience to participate in their acts - they seem to be more successful in their involving the audiences than other ansembles. Again - in an advanced age - the lack of pressure for stardom equals - great, relaxed performances.
    In a nutshell - the show flows and the smiles on the faces of the audience - are contagious.The lady singing the steady hit - "Can't Help Loving this Man of Mine" - has a magnificent mezzo voice.  The whole group collectively shows tons of talent.
                   Copyright@L.Hadley - 2014

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Chicago has a sensational tea dance in a local studio.

     La Classique School of Dance - a nicely designed dance studio located on 4146 N Elston Ave - Chicago, Il. 60618 - phone 773-588-0806 - holds a successful Tea Dance every Tuesday afternoon. The entrance to the lovely studio - is marked on Hamline Ave - so if you look for that address on N. Elston - you will never find it. I speak with the voice of experience.
     Tea Dancing session - happens every Tuesday from 1-4pm.  The entrance fee is only $10.00 and that includes the lesson from 2:30 till 3 pm - also that entrance fee includes the delicious refreshments.

    The studio owner - Dank Kanosak - an international champion in Ballroom Dancing - from Malasia - offers group classes every day of the week. 
    In the interim - Tuesdays afternoons - is a lot of fun at Dank's studio. Some Tuesdays lots of youngsters show up - while at times - local dance teachers - "fish" some - for private students - however - in general - everybody dances well, has a lot of fun and thus - a relaxed atmosphere - prevails in the studio.
    The beginners can practice - some more advanced moves - while the more accomplished dancers have an opportunity to show off - a bit.
One way or another - it's a lot of fun. See you at the studio - Tuesday afternoons!!!
Important Note - The La Classique studio owner - Dank Kanosak - sublet that studio - from the impressively designed - spacious Latvian Community Center - at the heart of Chicago's - Rogers Park - for quite a few years.               Unfortunately - Dank Kanosak - an international ballroom dancing - teacher/champion - from Malasia - passed away - suddenly - at the beginning of 2021 - he was only 60 years old. Now - he is dancing in heaven!  
          Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024                     

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The JCC - Squirrel Hill - Pittsburgh, Pa 15217 - Presents an Evening with Oscar Levant.

        The musician Oscar Levant - played "himself" in several Gershwin tributes' movies and he had a way to "own" the screen by not only not allowing himself to be "swallowed" by the glow of genius - George Gershwin - on the contrary - Mr. Levant - basked in their glory and managed to shine magnificently - himself.  Not every super talent - can do it.
     On Thurs. May 24 - 2012 - Mr. Chuck Muckle - Oscar Levant talented impersonator - will host an evening with Oscar Levant from 5:30 pm till 8 pm. This is just a "shoutout" of the coming event - on Fri - May 25 - 2012. It should be a lot of fun!
     You will pay only $15.00 if you are lucky enough to be a senior over 60 years old.  The price of the ticket - includes a delicious dinner. What a deal! Stop at JCC - Squirrel Hill's front desk to get your tickets.  Do it by Wends. May 16 - 2012 - the tickets are going fast!

     See you at the Oscar Levant Tribute!
     Copyright@L.Hadley - 2024

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Leslie Ferrari - has a Dynamite Fun, Fun, Fun - Single Dances in West View VFW - Super Spacious Facility - Suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa.

        Hey everybody - immediately click:
you will love the story!!!

       Listen up all the single dancers of all ages - a lovely Single Dances Coordinator - Leslie Ferrari - has been organizing a super terrific, fun, enjoyable Singles' Dances for quite a while.
        A hilly Westview - is a nice suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa.  Leslie has a detailed instructions on how to get to her venue on her website - - the same site will give you all the details of all the coming up - totally sensational - events - mainly for the singles.
        However - it's worth noting that quite a few friendly couples also attend her dances. The only caviat is that the gentlemen part of the couple will feel secure - and dances some dances with the single ladies -  but he is - definitely not looking to "upgrade" his partner for a "new model". If that is what you intend - some of you - gentlemen - our advice is - do it smarter than in front of your current partner - or your actions will come to "bite you" on your respective "behinds". Usually - the results of your "strategy" come to bite you on your "behind" - sooner than later.
        Not to get too "side tracked" from Leslie Ferrari's event - evidently the cool couples who attend Leslie's dances - are not apprehensive of any respective "breakages" of their "coupleships" which might come as a result of their respective partners dancing a bit with other people.
       Leslie engages cool D.J's with a super good sound systems. When I was there - there was an excellent, customary cha-cha lesson with the instructors from the local ballroom studio. It was tons of fun.
       You will also get some snacks.  All this entertainment is reasonably priced.
       See you at Leslie's Singles Dance - soon!
       Keep Dancing for the flow of positive energies into your lives!!!

                Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2018

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Quick Review of Feb. 26-2012 - "Night in Buenos Aires" Tango Event presented by Tango Connection Production at Wightman Community Center - Pittsburgh, Pa - Squirrel Hill.

       I promised you a review of last week's Tango Connection Production - called "A Night in Buenos Aires" held at the Wightman Community Center - Pittsburgh, Pa 15217 - Squirrel Hill location - which took place on Sun Feb 26-2012.
    In a nutshell - the event was terrrific. The Tango band - called "Cuidado"'s musicians -played a lot of dynamite Tangos and Milongas - their repertoire.
    The band's guest vocalist - Josephine Scaglione - performed some famous Tangos that evening and Ms. Scaglione's well trained for "chanson" genre - alto voice - does a nice job for the Tango songs.
    The minor comment regarding Ms. Scaglione's performing a single vocal tone for the famous Astor Piazzola's classic - "Onda Nueva" - would be that some lyrics would be in order - so she could use her specialty - chanson.  Utilizing only one vocal tone without lyrics - would require totally different vocal training from the one which Ms. Scaglione - presently - commands.
Copyright@L.Hadley - 2023

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tonight - Feb. 26 - 2012 - the famous Cuidado band - a terrific Tango orchestra - will play at the Milonga of Connexion.

Where - Squirrel Hill's Wightman Community Center - 5604 Solway St - Pittsburgh, Pa 15217
Squirrel Hill (5 minutes from Forbes and Murray) intersection.

When - Sunday night - February 26 - 2012 - the band starts playing at 8 pm.  The lesson for the beginners - 7 pm.

How much - Only $15.00 - the entry fee - includes a free lesson at 7 pm - plus great Tango music provided by a terrific live band from 8 pm till 11 pm and free refreshments.

     If you want any more details - go to their website -

    Chewy and Julia - are accomplished Pittsburgh's Argentine Tango teachers/performers/musicians - they will teach a beginner's lesson at 7 pm since they are hosting this successful, weekly Sunday night event.
    Don't forget to click here a week from today - as every week! Have a good week - everybody!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tango Mondays at Pittsburgh Dance Center - Bloomfield

      Every Monday - from 8pm till 11 pm - the Pittsburgh Dance Center - Bloomfield - 4765 Liberty Ave - Pittsburgh, Pa 15224 - has a sensationally entertaining, relaxing Tango Event - where all styles of Tango are welcomed and guest DJ's play excellent Tangos. If you want to DJ - ask the studio to put your name on the list.
     The website - - gives you more details about the varieties of other nights' dances - since the lovely owner of the studio - Holly Kirby - wants Pittsburgh to dance every night! The phone number - 412-681-0111. The E-mail -
      For the Monday Tango night - a suggested donation is $3.00.  The instructions are free and bring your ipod if you have a special request.
      On the last Monday of the month - Holly Kirby hosts a special Milonga.  Stay tuned for more details!!! 
       Special notice -  Pittsburgh Dance Center - unfortunately - closed. If you are interested in dancing Tango in Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217 - google Tango in Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217.

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