Monday, August 31, 2015

A Short Review of Mon.Aug.31 -15 - Episode 14 - So You Think You Can Dance - Season 12 - Fox Broadcasting - 8 pm EST.

     All of us - loyal fans of SYTYCD - show - sit on the proverbial "pins and needles" - in expectation to find out what America - who - allegedly - voted - have decided. As to what the judges/producers - have already decided - we can have some clues from the previous week's show.
     In a nutshell - last week - the judges - "snickered down their noses" as they reluctantly decided to save a gorgeous, skillful dancer named Hailee who is blessed with tons of star qualities. On the other hand - Megz - a dark haired, good looking dancer - specializing in angular "crump" youthful style - who for the first time graced her face with some make-up - unfortunately - danced - a lame Paso Doble in which her male partner - Paul - shined - notwithstanding a medium quality choreography by - usually - a fine choreographer - Jean Marc Genereux. 
     Long story short - tonight - the judges and - supposedly - voting America will eliminate a couple of weaker ones out of the final eight dancers - which are all accomplished with varied appearances, personalities, looks and dancing styles.  Some of the dancers are shamelessly "favored" by the judges who give them a lot more passes on mistakes than they give to the other dancers. 
     Take a look at the various opinions about the judges/producers' missteps plus the pointing out other diverse flaws happening this season on SYTYCD show while the views are honestly expressed by the long time fans of SYTYCD - on the public media forum - at the Facebok space for SYTYCD. This current season is the first one in which - the producers - started a new format - a drastic departure from the succesful formula the show used in the past eleven seasons.

     Don't forget to click here for a Conclusion of a Review of Mon. Aug. 31 - Episode 14 - Season 12!

     Have fun tonight!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A Brief Conclusion of Episode 13 - So You Think You Can Dance - Mon. Aug.24 - 2015 - Fox Broadcasting.

     All the loyal fans of SYTYCD show - had another night of "rollercoaster" surprises.
 Derek - a fine young dancer who still needs a lot of experiences of every kind - including learning advanced dancing techniques - was finally sent home after lingering on the "bottom" for several weeks.
    Neptune - on the other hand - a magnificent dancer - was sent home way too early and unfairly - since he always radiates tons of warmth, charisma and star qualities  - galore. The fact that the judges sent him home too early - resonates in a lot of viewers responses on Youtube and Facebook's SYTYCD - social media forum.
    However - we have already mentioned before that some individuals - unfortunately - use the access to Social Media as the way to vent their various hostilities - even if most people are trying to be fair in expressing of their honest opinions. It's obvious that a lot of people are too negative towards Paula Abdul who is an outstanding dancer/choreographer - moreover - she always tries to be kind - even if she has to - at times - express a major criticism of the dancer's - performance.

    If the producers of SYTYCD and the viewers are interested in highlighting the most versatile dancers - out of all the enormously talented pool of candidates who knock themselves out for that coveted spotlight - let's consider for a moment - versatility as the measure of true talent. How about all the highly skilful studio musicians? Certainly - they are versatile and can master a lot of different styles. However they seldom become stars - who can influence and - at times - enrich a lot of lives. Let us know what you think about it.  
    At any rate - have a great week - everybody! Don't forget to watch Mon. Aug. 31 - Episode 14!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2015


Monday, August 24, 2015

A Short Review - Mon. Aug. 24 - Episode 13 - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Broadcasting - 8 pm Eastern time.

    Now that the judges and - supposedly - voting America - got rid of a number of super talented, exciting dancers with effervescent personalities - all they have left - close to the season's finale are - supposedly - "versatile" dancers who could make a drastic switch in their respective styles.
    A number of the remaining dancers - according to various voices expressed in social media forums - should have been eliminated - quite a while ago. Evidently the judges are afraid - of some public "backlash" - or something like that. Possibly - the "political correctness" takes its toll - on honest opinions - which - evidently - can't be - readily - expressed.
     It's obvious that outside of a few truly accomplished, versatile dancers - which we will not be naming since they are obvious to all the discerning, steady viewers of this show - there also is a group which should not have passed through this high level of the eliminations - in another words - according to many opinions expressed in public media forums - there are quite a few dancers - who don't deserve to stay in that "elite" circle - at all. Hopefully they will - soon - be fairly - finally - eliminated - so the ones remaining - truly talented individuals - just like many of the ones who were let go before Monday Aug. 24 - unjustly - will stay to the end.
     Watch tonight and let us know! Don't forget to put your proverbial "two cents" onto the SYTYCD - space on Facebook platform!
     Our - collective - "two cents" for the week reads as follows; if the judges and America are aiming to elect "the most versatile dancer" at the end of the eliminations - notwithstanding any "star qualities" - all the various, numerous studio musicians - can make a living - but rarely - any of them can be a "star" which can give a viewer much different experiences - than just a versatile, adaptable - artist/highly trained professional.

     Click here tomorrow for the Conclusion of the Aug. 24 - Episode 13 - Review!

      Have a great night!

Copyright@L.Hadley@Associates 2015  

Monday, August 17, 2015

Mon.Aug.17 - 2015 - Episode 12 - So You Think You Can Dance which airs on Fox Network - Surprizes the viewers!

    All the fans of SYTYCD who watched this Mon. Aug.17 - 2015 - segment - got a big dose of unexpected developments. Just as it first appeared - from the numerous viewers' posts on the show's website via Facebook - that the chance of the producers' taking some suggestions posted by the viewers - would equal to that of a proverbial "snowball" - not melting in hell - guess what? The Twitter vote - was suddenly eliminated since not only it didn't make any sense to the viewers on the West coast - but it was also "not accepted" by most of the fans of SYTYCD. We - of course - don't want to use a strong phrase like the "Twitter's five minutes 'save' window was widely unfair and despised by a lot of viewers who said so".
    Back to Mon. Aug. 17 show - which opens with a group number by Sonya Tyeh - a star choreographer - who for the moment - appears to be lavishly praised by the judges - since she has had a number of successful choreos last week - unfortunately - this week - her opening piece - according to many viewers' posts on the Facebook's So You Think You Can Dance website - didn't impress a lot of viewers with any special sparkle or any big salvo of any kind! One viewer commented on the Youtube website that "as soon as they saw a bunch of half naked men run out onto the stage dressed in skirts - they knew it was Sonia Tyeh's choreo!"
    As far as the judges are concerned this week - Cat Deely - the famous, long time M.C/host for this show - wore a lovely red dress - while last week - even a beautiful woman like her - looked "stingy" in that "rainbow" dress which appeared as if it was purchased from a back rack of a thrift shop from the 90's.
    Paula Abdul - a glamorous looking and famous dancer/choreographer - this week - wore a magnificent creation accented by a huge, elegantly/lavish - necklace - Jennifer Lopez - style. All those exquisite fashion pieces would look great on her - if only her boobs were not constantly almost totally falling out of her dress.
   Jason DeRulo - the youngest/the newest judge - our "celebrity wannabe" - had problems this week - outside of his judging gig in SYTYCD show - in terms of being "kicked off" the airport as he tried to board a regular plane - along with his Elvis Presley's style - entourage.  According to MSN - he requested to board a regular plane with his group - so he could perform some gig in Las Vegas. However - after he was told not to show up - he and his entourage still attempted to board the air carrier - consequently - they were escorted out of the airport - by the airport security - whereupon - Mr. DeRulo - contracted a privet jet to fly him and his "bodyguards/companions" to Las Vegas - so he could play his gig - there.
   Back to the SYTYCD Mon - Aug. 17 - show. The judges eliminated a Latin looking, handsome dancer Edson - who not only danced great but had a lot of personality and charisma while they praised some other dancers who - according to many viewers' posts - "were not that great - at all" - which lately - has been a norm.
   At any rate - don't forget to watch next SYTYCD - episode on Monday Aug.24 - 2015. Let us know what you think and do put your "two-cents" on SYTYCD site on Facebook.
   Have a great week!

  Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Short Review of So You Think You Can Dance Episode 11 - August 10 - 2015 - Monday night - Fox Network.

           Everybody who watched a weekly episode of SYTYCD - last night - got a huge dose of massive boredom mixed with a lot of assorted stupid decisions - by the celebrity judges - Paula Abdul - dancer/choreographer, Nigel Lythgoe -  founder and the executive producer of the show - from its beginning in 2005. This season - the show contracted a new, young judge, a big time celebrity "wannabe" - a break dancer - Mr. Jason DeRulo - a good looking youngster who needs to learn quite a bit - from the other two judges how to express a short dance analysis/critique.
         In a nutshell - long story short - the judges decided to "save" two male dancers - Neptune and Derek. A group of us - the entertainment writers agreed that Neptune deserved to be kept for a week - due to his considerable dancing skills and personality - while Derek with his - unfortunately - lamely executed dancing number - on Monday night - combined with the personality - just as sparkling as a white colored spot against the cream colored wall - should have been sent home - according to tons of numerous viewers' posts to that effect - posted on the Facebook space of "So You Think You Dan Dance".
          The fact that the judges kept Derek but failed to save Yoralis - a gloriously talented, the same way looking and consistently superbly performing female dancer - proves that the judges' decisions are - at times - massively upsetting to the viewers who didn't want Yoralis to be sent home. Many viewers expressed those feelings -  on both on "So You Think You Can Dance" - Facebook and Youtube websites - respectively.
          Still - we don't consider the multitudes of viewers always acting rationally in the social media "landscapes" - since - at times - for some mysterious reasons the viewers acquire a "lynch mob" mentality and behave in a "herd" fashion on the social media platforms - which can be disgusting and revolting.
          At any rate - if SYTYCD - doesn't shape up - they will end up just like American Idol. Don't forget to watch the next Monday episode and let us know what you think - better yet - go to Facebook and vote on "So You Think You Can Dance" - voting spot!
         Have a great week everybody!

             Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, August 3, 2015

PIttsburgh's - Shadyside's - cozy and full of ambiance - Sonoma Williams gourmet shop - at almost - end of the summer 2015.

                                   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2015

    All of you know that I am starting to wait for the fall (my favorite season) - just about this time of the summer - which - normally - starts to get "under my skin" - especially if its full of nasty heat waves - which - thank God is not the case - so far - thank God - during the summer 2015.
    The only cheerful aspect of the finally - ending of the typical summer - would be the abundance of tomatoes my favorite, "freaky" - fruit/veggie? - food entity. Last Sunday Aug. 2 - 2015 - Amanda did an excellent presentation on cooking tomato sauce as well as preparing some other summer dishes consisting of tomatoes plus other veggies - at my favorite Pittsburgh's - Shadyside - Sonoma Williams gourmet shop. Their address - 5516 Walnut St - Pittsburgh, Pa. 15215.
     You need to go there to sign up for their complementary Sunday technique sessions - but while you at it - sign up for their regular cooking classes as well. Those are offered on Wednesdays evening with the fee - well worth the money - since you will take some considerable portions of food home with you - as well as spend a few hours with some quality, fun people.

    Have a great end of the summer,

    See you at Shadyside Sonoma Williams - on Sundays and Wednesdays!