Monday, August 3, 2015

PIttsburgh's - Shadyside's - cozy and full of ambiance - Sonoma Williams gourmet shop - at almost - end of the summer 2015.

                                   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2015

    All of you know that I am starting to wait for the fall (my favorite season) - just about this time of the summer - which - normally - starts to get "under my skin" - especially if its full of nasty heat waves - which - thank God is not the case - so far - thank God - during the summer 2015.
    The only cheerful aspect of the finally - ending of the typical summer - would be the abundance of tomatoes my favorite, "freaky" - fruit/veggie? - food entity. Last Sunday Aug. 2 - 2015 - Amanda did an excellent presentation on cooking tomato sauce as well as preparing some other summer dishes consisting of tomatoes plus other veggies - at my favorite Pittsburgh's - Shadyside - Sonoma Williams gourmet shop. Their address - 5516 Walnut St - Pittsburgh, Pa. 15215.
     You need to go there to sign up for their complementary Sunday technique sessions - but while you at it - sign up for their regular cooking classes as well. Those are offered on Wednesdays evening with the fee - well worth the money - since you will take some considerable portions of food home with you - as well as spend a few hours with some quality, fun people.

    Have a great end of the summer,

    See you at Shadyside Sonoma Williams - on Sundays and Wednesdays!

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