Monday, August 24, 2015

A Short Review - Mon. Aug. 24 - Episode 13 - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Broadcasting - 8 pm Eastern time.

    Now that the judges and - supposedly - voting America - got rid of a number of super talented, exciting dancers with effervescent personalities - all they have left - close to the season's finale are - supposedly - "versatile" dancers who could make a drastic switch in their respective styles.
    A number of the remaining dancers - according to various voices expressed in social media forums - should have been eliminated - quite a while ago. Evidently the judges are afraid - of some public "backlash" - or something like that. Possibly - the "political correctness" takes its toll - on honest opinions - which - evidently - can't be - readily - expressed.
     It's obvious that outside of a few truly accomplished, versatile dancers - which we will not be naming since they are obvious to all the discerning, steady viewers of this show - there also is a group which should not have passed through this high level of the eliminations - in another words - according to many opinions expressed in public media forums - there are quite a few dancers - who don't deserve to stay in that "elite" circle - at all. Hopefully they will - soon - be fairly - finally - eliminated - so the ones remaining - truly talented individuals - just like many of the ones who were let go before Monday Aug. 24 - unjustly - will stay to the end.
     Watch tonight and let us know! Don't forget to put your proverbial "two cents" onto the SYTYCD - space on Facebook platform!
     Our - collective - "two cents" for the week reads as follows; if the judges and America are aiming to elect "the most versatile dancer" at the end of the eliminations - notwithstanding any "star qualities" - all the various, numerous studio musicians - can make a living - but rarely - any of them can be a "star" which can give a viewer much different experiences - than just a versatile, adaptable - artist/highly trained professional.

     Click here tomorrow for the Conclusion of the Aug. 24 - Episode 13 - Review!

      Have a great night!

Copyright@L.Hadley@Associates 2015  

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