Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Conclusion to a Review of DWTS - Second Episode - Season 22 - March 28-16 - ABC 8PM

     Last night Geraldo Riviera went home so his gorgeous partner - Edyta Slivinska had a short run this season - still they both earned close to a reported $125 thousand dollars.
     Since Geraldo Riviera makes tons of money from a lot of different sources - maybe he can contribute some of his high fees to some worthy causes - especially in view of the fact that he mentioned his left foot being totally numb as a result of his back surgery which might excuse his lame dancing. That reminds me of my ex-Latin dancing instructor - ex-Latin champion - hot in Chicago for a long time - whose name I will not mention but who frequently talked about his back surgery so the moves he taught were easy for him to execute.
     The third MC - Erin Edwards always wears extremely high heels which make most dancers standing next to her look like midgets - furthermore - since she is not dancing or judging - she could - definitely - cut her commentary - a bit shorter - since we prefer to look at the dancers.
     Marla Maples did a beautiful Tango with a super dancer/choreographer - Tony Devalani; even if the music could be better - they were - nevertheless - underscored by the judges - the second week in a row.

      Have a great week everybody! Don't forget to click here next Monday and Tues - Apr. 4 and 5 - 2016!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016

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