Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Conclusion to a Review of Premiere Episode 1 -Season 22 - DWTS - March 21 - 16. ABC - 8 pm.

     Last night's premiere show of DWTS was a bit disappointing but not a total loss of time. As usually - we will give you the bad news first - then you will get some decent impressions. The music chosen for the two Tangos was boring and uneventful. For God's sake - out of all the gloriously sounding Tangos available to the producers - they can pick some more melodic and better sounding - pieces - for sure than the boring ones they chose last night.
    One of our favorite dancers - Edyta Slivinska - A Polish dance superstar did a terrific job on her lame Cha-Cha since her partner - Geraldo Riviera was barely moving - not even mentioning the verb - dancing. We predict that he will be gone first.
    The next one to go will probably be Kim Fields who didn't dance good at all - but the judges - for some obscure reason praised her moves - in their scores - however - they were fair.
     Sharna Burgess and her partner - Tony Brown moved and looked very well which was not the case of Ginger Zee - a weather forecaster who for some mysterious reason got too many praises of every kind from the judges for her very average dance number. The Facebook forum has some viewers commenting about it - how the judges - sometimes - start to "pick" the winners from the very beginning - which they shouldn't do since they need to be fair to other contestants.

    Don't forget to click here next Monday March 28 - 2016 for our next review of Episode 2 - Season 22 - of DWTS!
    Have a great week - everybody!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016

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