Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Brief Review of the 1st show of the Season - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Network - Mon. May 30 - 2016.

     Last night's premiere show - had a little sparkle of any kind where more would be expected from the first show of the season. The talented children dancers were putting out a lot of efforts so the judges would have an opportunity to give them some constructive criticism which they didn't do. 
     Some mothers of the pint sized performers - had shown signs of being proverbial "stage mothers" which is not all that entertaining to watch. In addition - the taped segments of the supposedly - live - show were not always blended effectively. The viewers had a glimpse of still pregnant - Kat Deely - the lady M.C. who - supposedly - delivered her baby a while ago - the same Kat Deely who - at times - likes to grab "camera" time - in spite of the fact that she neither judges nor performes - so she could keep her "on camera" presence - brief. Quite a few viewers expressed the views on various forums to the effect that she "exaggerates" her on camera presentation - on frequent occassions - notwithstanding her attractive appearance.
     We hope that next show on Mon. June 6 - 2016 - from Chicago - will have a lot more pizzas and enthusiasm.
    Don't forget to click here Tues. June 7 - for our Mon. June 6 - review of the show.
    Have a great first week of June - everybody!

    Copyright@LHadley and Associates - 2016

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