Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The First Part of Finals - DWTS - Episode 10 -Mon. May 23 - 2016 - ABC.

    Last nights' first part of the finals for season 22 - featured some annoying elements. As usually - we'll start from the bad news - so that we can finish our review in a positive mode.
    It seems that the "injury" motive was excessively popular last evening. The lenghty details of Ginger Z's sprained back needed to solicit a lot of "sympathy" votes - we think. Then - Mark Ballas elaborated on his injury while practicing Salsa.
    That whole injury theme should probably be - drastically "injured" - if not eliminated. A few years ago - a couple of famous international ice dancers - Torville and Dean - choreographed "dying on ice" sequence which subsequently - got imitated a lot until a lot of athletes decided that "dying on ice - is dead".
     A group of us - the professional reviewers decided - last night that "injuries while dancing with the great publicity around them - should be 'injured' and not used anymore to get some additional 'sympathy' - votes."
     On the bright side - Nyle and Peta did a contemporary routine which "wowed" the judges since they almost always go "ga-ga-goo-goo" over angular and rough choreographies - rimming to the gills with deep drama. The music to this piece Simon and Garfunkel's "Sound of Silence" - an obvious choice - at least - didn't sound abrasive - like the music frequently chosen by the producers - God only knows why.
    Paige and Mark's - Salsa - got overscored since they hardly moved their hips which made their dance not appear like Salsa at all.
    We hope that tonight's finals will be exciting and sparkling not boring, tedious and dragging forever - like they were - a few years ago. The voters already "spoke" last night - consequently we predict that Paige and Mark will win.

     Click here tomorrow for the season's review. Enjoy the finals and have a great Memorial Day coming as well as the last week of May - 2016!

     Copyright L.Hadley and Associates - 2016

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