Thursday, January 26, 2017

Our YT Video of the Wk. Choice for the Wk.of Fri.Jan.27 through Fri.Feb.03.

      For the Fourth (Last) Week of Jan. 2017 we chose again a vid by Tengiz Mosidze uploaded on Jan.13-2017 - titled "Tango 'Chicque' by Maria and Alexander Frolovs (a couple - very fine Russian Tango dancers) with Solo Tango Orchestra - Moscow Tango 2017 Fest."
     One of my most favorite Tangos' composer Osvaldo Pugliese composed a number of breathtaking Tangos - this one is definitely one of them. Almost flawless performance by this married couple who visibly enjoys their number - features a number of skillfuly executed "Argentine Flicks" which look slightly different than a normal "Flick" which borders on "kicking the partner in the butt" if not carefully done.
      The band "Solo Tango Orchestra" prides itself in excellent Tango musicians - especially the enthusiastic piano accompaniment is noteworthy. Back to the dancers - their "Sentadas" or brief sitting on the male dancer's lap by the female partner - are also skillfully executed since this deceptively simple movement - can be easily messed up to look funny. It's especially true - when at times - the male lead is a lot weaker than his female follower which sticks out like a proverbial "fist next to the beautiful face with the nicely shaped - nose".
      The only tiny flaw which I noticed in their almost perfect routine was - her fingers all spread out when she was holding on to his back and arm. The fingers need to be elegantly together since when they are spread out (a commonly overlooked detail even by the finest dancers) - they can look like claws ready to claw into some unsuspecting - flesh.
      At any rate - it's the last week of January 2017 so - all of us will have a very good one. As always - do not forget to click here next Thurs. Feb.02 - 17 or Fri. Feb.03 - 17 for our Choice of our favorite YT Video of the Week for the first week of Feb. 2017.
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Our Choice for YT video of the Wk. for the 3rd Wk. of Jan.2017 is "Yana Gray - Dvie Gitary - Old Russian Romance"-uploaded Aug.11-2012.

       For the third week of Jan. 2017 we chose Yana Gray's vid from Aug.11-2012 titled "Dvie Gitary - Yana Gray - Old Gypsy/Russian Romance". Yana's husky, sensuous, low voice sunds ideal when she belts out old Gypsy/Russian ballads. This old, beloved classic was performed by tons of great vocalists - however - Yana's version - definitely - stands up well as compared to a lot of other famous interpretations.
      The composer of this popular, old tune - is some uncredited unkown author of Hungarian Gypsy Romances with the lyrics penned by Apollon Grigoriev. It needs to be noted that the instrumental arrangement by Vasiliev sounds very fine.
     The intriguing looking profile avator which Yana Gray uses is that of a famous silver screen diva - Gloria Swanson who in collaboration with Joseph Kennedy, Sr. - produced quite a few popular movies in the 1920's. He was in his middle thirties - married and with six children - one of which - Kathleen - suffered from severe mental illness for which he decided on lobotomy without his wife's knowledge. They had their daughter permanently committed to institutions all her life. Joseph Kennedy, Sr. was allegedly Nazi symphatizer who - according to widely circulated reports - "wanted to hold his nose and do business with Hitler".
     Joseph Kennedy, Sr.'s three year old hot and passionate love/business affair with Gloria Swanson ended suddenly after Gloria called out Joseph in front of some industry partners and friends - referring to him using their joint movie production company money to buy himself a fancy car while their joint movie producing company was "hemorrhaging" money half way into the the filming of their last project - which stopped for quite a while due to production difficulties. They - but mainly Gloria Swanson - lost close to a million dollars in 1920's money - which in today's money would - easily be ten times as much.
     At any rate - enjoy Yana Gray and have a super good third week of Jan. 2017! As always click here on either Thurs. Jan. 26 or Fri. Jan. 27 - 2017 to check out our choice for YT Video of the Week for - the 4th week of Jan. 2017!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Our YT Choice for the Vid of the Wk - 2nd Wk of Jan.2017:Tengiz Mosidze "Tango 'Patetico' with Solo Tango Orchestra" Tango 2016 from Dec.16-2016.

     For the second week of Jan. 2017 we chose a video by a Georgian YT videos' producer who comes up with a lot of Moscow's Tango Festivals - Tango dancers' videos. The one which we chose was done by two Russian Tango dancers - Olga Nikola and Dmitryi Kuznetsov. Moscow - Russia has a big followiong of Argentine Tango - lovers.
     Judging by the perfect moves of those two - Tango is the only thing they do - day in and day out. The small Tango orchestra called "Solo Tango Orchestra" does a great job of performing a famous Tango by an outstanding Tango composer - Oswaldo Pugliese who composed a number of beautiful Tangos. This one is called "Patetico" and the "Solo Tango Orchestra" arranges and plays it - flawlessly.
    Of course their moves are highly choreographed for the stage so when I and my friends dance either American Tango or Argentine Tango in our favorite Ballroom studio - our moves are simplier and easier. Notice when he executes the "flicks" typical for the Argentine Tango style - they are done in a professioanl manner - otherwise - they might look as if he is kicking her in the butt.
     Enjoy the video and have a super good second week of January 2017! As always don't forget to click here next week - either Thurs. Jan.19 - 2017 or Fri.Jan.20 - 2017!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017  

Friday, January 6, 2017

Our Choice of Favorite Video of the Week for the First Week of 2017 - We Picked Dr.240252's Vid uploaded on Dec.1-2016 titled- "Skuczno - 'Drearily' -Vocals by Pyotr Leshchenko with His Orchestra".

      For the first week of 2017 we picked for the second time as our YT Video of the Week Feature - Dr. 240252's Video uploaded on Dec.01-2016 - titled "Pyotr Leshchenko's 'Skuczno' - by Pyotr Leschenko and his Orchestra". Dr. 240252 always comes up with magnificent visuals/artwork for his musical selections. The Tango which he picked sounds great - unfortunately - the lyricist and the composer - are - both - uncredited. Leshchenko's vocals accompanied by his orchestra never disappoint - his understated flood of feelings always comes through in a masterfully restrained manner.
      Leshchenko's stormy life and and no less turbulent career are examined at lenght in a TV serial produced by the Ukrainian TV in 2013 - with its most important parts - available on YouTube. The talented Ukrainian actor/singer - Konstatin Khabensky - channels Pyotr Leshchenko's personality in a skillfull manner while he conveys the singer's passions without any excessive melodrama.
      The great operatic legend of the nineteen thirties - Fyodor Shalapin - paid a big homage to the "King of 'Crooner's'" of his day - Pyotr Leshchenko - by applauding loudly at the end of Leshchenko's performance and calling him - "King of the Plastic Records" which - by the way - sold like crazy with Leshchenko's numerous beautiful Tangos and Old Romances in the late nineteen thirties.
      After the Second World War broke out in 1939 - Leshchenko's life and his career became entangled in Hitler's and later - Stalin's dictatorial political storms until Leshchenko's tragic early death in the Romanian labor camp fashioned after Stalin's huge net of hard labor penal colonies/gulags - death traps to many innocent - frequently - creative people - a lot of them famous and talented ones - who somehow "offended" the dictatorial powers of the day - so they languished for years in jails/camps after being sentenced by "revolutionary" courts which handed down long prison sentences - left and right - after the trumpted up, phony charges were quickly handed down. 
     At any rate - have a good first week of 2017 and as always - don't forget to click here next Fri. Jan. 13 - 17 or Thurs. Jan. 12 - 2017 to check out our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Week for the second week of Jan.2017!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017