Thursday, January 26, 2017

Our YT Video of the Wk. Choice for the Wk.of Fri.Jan.27 through Fri.Feb.03.

      For the Fourth (Last) Week of Jan. 2017 we chose again a vid by Tengiz Mosidze uploaded on Jan.13-2017 - titled "Tango 'Chicque' by Maria and Alexander Frolovs (a couple - very fine Russian Tango dancers) with Solo Tango Orchestra - Moscow Tango 2017 Fest."
     One of my most favorite Tangos' composer Osvaldo Pugliese composed a number of breathtaking Tangos - this one is definitely one of them. Almost flawless performance by this married couple who visibly enjoys their number - features a number of skillfuly executed "Argentine Flicks" which look slightly different than a normal "Flick" which borders on "kicking the partner in the butt" if not carefully done.
      The band "Solo Tango Orchestra" prides itself in excellent Tango musicians - especially the enthusiastic piano accompaniment is noteworthy. Back to the dancers - their "Sentadas" or brief sitting on the male dancer's lap by the female partner - are also skillfully executed since this deceptively simple movement - can be easily messed up to look funny. It's especially true - when at times - the male lead is a lot weaker than his female follower which sticks out like a proverbial "fist next to the beautiful face with the nicely shaped - nose".
      The only tiny flaw which I noticed in their almost perfect routine was - her fingers all spread out when she was holding on to his back and arm. The fingers need to be elegantly together since when they are spread out (a commonly overlooked detail even by the finest dancers) - they can look like claws ready to claw into some unsuspecting - flesh.
      At any rate - it's the last week of January 2017 so - all of us will have a very good one. As always - do not forget to click here next Thurs. Feb.02 - 17 or Fri. Feb.03 - 17 for our Choice of our favorite YT Video of the Week for the first week of Feb. 2017.
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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