Thursday, February 2, 2017

For Our YT Video of the Wk. for the 1st Wk. of Feb.2017 - We Choose One by Dr.240252 - Again.

         For the first week of Feb.2017 as our YT Video of the Week - we pick - again Dr.240252's work - since his sophisticated but accessible videos are popular with us. He uploaded a very charming, upbeat jazzy work titled "Roaring Twenties - University Six - (The California Ramblers) 1927 - Rosy Cheeks" on Jan 31-2017.
      The video features - six talented college students - no doubt - all of them enormously musically talented - having fun with their instrumental solos. The sounds flow - cheery and uplifting. In addition to his interesting musical selections of all sorts - Dr.240252 gives you tons of useful info in a short, condensed manner which always comes handy for impressing people at any party or otherwise - in general. The visuals (artwork) he picks - invariably present intriguing complements to his musical selections.
       At any rate - have a good first week of February 2017 and as always do not forget to click here next week - either Thurs. Feb.09 - 17 or Fri. Feb. 10 - 2017 for our next selection of our YT Video of the week!
       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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