Thursday, January 19, 2017

Our Choice for YT video of the Wk. for the 3rd Wk. of Jan.2017 is "Yana Gray - Dvie Gitary - Old Russian Romance"-uploaded Aug.11-2012.

       For the third week of Jan. 2017 we chose Yana Gray's vid from Aug.11-2012 titled "Dvie Gitary - Yana Gray - Old Gypsy/Russian Romance". Yana's husky, sensuous, low voice sunds ideal when she belts out old Gypsy/Russian ballads. This old, beloved classic was performed by tons of great vocalists - however - Yana's version - definitely - stands up well as compared to a lot of other famous interpretations.
      The composer of this popular, old tune - is some uncredited unkown author of Hungarian Gypsy Romances with the lyrics penned by Apollon Grigoriev. It needs to be noted that the instrumental arrangement by Vasiliev sounds very fine.
     The intriguing looking profile avator which Yana Gray uses is that of a famous silver screen diva - Gloria Swanson who in collaboration with Joseph Kennedy, Sr. - produced quite a few popular movies in the 1920's. He was in his middle thirties - married and with six children - one of which - Kathleen - suffered from severe mental illness for which he decided on lobotomy without his wife's knowledge. They had their daughter permanently committed to institutions all her life. Joseph Kennedy, Sr. was allegedly Nazi symphatizer who - according to widely circulated reports - "wanted to hold his nose and do business with Hitler".
     Joseph Kennedy, Sr.'s three year old hot and passionate love/business affair with Gloria Swanson ended suddenly after Gloria called out Joseph in front of some industry partners and friends - referring to him using their joint movie production company money to buy himself a fancy car while their joint movie producing company was "hemorrhaging" money half way into the the filming of their last project - which stopped for quite a while due to production difficulties. They - but mainly Gloria Swanson - lost close to a million dollars in 1920's money - which in today's money would - easily be ten times as much.
     At any rate - enjoy Yana Gray and have a super good third week of Jan. 2017! As always click here on either Thurs. Jan. 26 or Fri. Jan. 27 - 2017 to check out our choice for YT Video of the Week for - the 4th week of Jan. 2017!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

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