Thursday, March 23, 2017

Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Wk - "Opjum 1933-Henryk Gold Orchestra & Stefan Vitas".

        Our choice for YT Video of the Week for the fourth week of March 2017 is a video uploaded by our friend - Dr.240252 on March 21-2017 titled "Opjum 1933 - Henryk Gold Orchestra - the vocals - Stefan Witas."
      This hypnotic slow Waltz - composed by Artur Gold - creator of many fabulous Tangos and other musical pieces - has gathered many thousands of fans throughout the years. The instrumental arrangement of the famous Warsaw orchestra led by Henryk Gold (Artur's famous cousin) - stands out but doesn't upstage the terrific vocals by Stefan Witas (a Warsaw Opera singer) who performed a lot of Tangos during the Warsaw's Renaissance of sorts from 1930 till 1939 when the sudden, massive invasion of Poland - by the powerful Nazi armies - almost destroyed Warsaw.
      The orchestra leader Henryk Gold was famous in his own right - not only as a cousin of a famous in Warsaw at that time - composer - Artur Gold who frequently - had the magnficent lyrics to his exquisite Tangos - written by Andrzej Wlast - a prominent lyricist/manager of many popular Warsaw venues. He wrote the super hypnotic lyrics to this piece.
      Some small Warsaw critics called Andrzej Wlast - a "king of kitch". The only explanation of their behavior could be found in an opinion regarding the professional critics - issued by a famous French thinker - Voltaire - whose theory - about some critics whom he considered - vicious to no end goes something like this - "they are just like the eunuchs - despising the creative, talented people who make love - freely." It's a pity that Voltaire was a prominent anti-Semite - or else he would be respected by a lot of people.
      Back to Artur Gold - Henryk Gold's cousin - who unfortunately - perished in Nazi's reign of terror at the relatively young age - his early forties - with the similar fate meeting Andrzej Wlast. Henryk Gold - Artur's older cousin - escaped Poland - thank God - then came to the U.S. where he was successful for a long, long time.
      Enjoy the vid and the breathtaking artwork provided - as usually - by Dr.240252 - and have a good last week of March 2017 - everybody! As always - please - don't forget to click here next Thursday or Friday - for our Choice of YT Video of the Week for next week - also check out our channel - tango3721!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

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